Volume 1 Chapter 3

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 The two escaped hybrids had finally found a safe place to hide, using an abandoned building as their temporary home. Taku took extra precautions to make sure there weren't any AUA soldiers or Uncontrolled around. Once they were in the clear, Taku makes his way over to a torn couch and sits upon it next to Mizuki. "Looks like we're safe for now. We can rest ea-" Before he could finish, the long brown haired girl wraps her arms around him and holds him close. "Taku... I missed you so much. It's been so long." Taku was taken aback by her hug and her words, but takes it upon himself to return her feelings and hug her back.

"Yeah... It has been quite some time. I've missed you too. I'm..... sorry I couldn't protect you that day." She shakes her head while smiling. "It's fine. What matters is that you're here with me." Mizuki continues to hug him, but Taku pulls away and looks at her with a serious face. "Mizuki.... I need to ask you something. What happened to you all this time and why were you with those Uncontrolled that were attacking the Japan branch?" She looks away, a puzzled look on her face as she tries to explain her situation. "It's... quite a long story. First off, my mind is a bit hazy as to what has happened all these years. Every time I try to think back as far as 5 years ago, everything becomes blurry. All I know is that they never harm me."

Taku raises a brow in confusion. "The Uncontrolled.. don't hurt you? I've been attacked on multiple occassions and have had to continue to fight them off for all these years. Why aren't they hostile towards you?" Mizuki rubs her arm, her eyes looking away as she gathers her thoughts. "I'm just not sure.... It's as if.. they see me as one of them. Like... a queen or something." Running his fingers throw snowy locks, Taku had a hard time understanding her. Uncontrolled are normally hostile creatures who kill and devours humans. Maybe it's because she's a hybrid that they don't attack her. However... It still makes no sense. Taku Kitazawa is a hybrid as well and is considered an enemy, so why not her? It's a mystery.

"W-Well, enough about me. I want to know what happened to Tarou. Why isn't he with you? He is okay, right? Please tell me he's okay!" She places her hands on his shoulders, worried that something bad might have happened to the fraternal twin brother of Taku. Azure eyes look towards the floor as he scratches his cheek. "As of now, I'm not sure where my brother is. All I know is that he was trying to find a way to save humanity... and you." He lightly smiles at her. "Tarou really cares about you and wanted to make sure you were okay, so he set off on his own journey. Don't worry about him, though. He's super strong and has a powerful Rakuza. I'm sure he's doing just fine."

Mizuki releases a sigh of relief, glad to know that Tarou was alright. She hadn't seen him in 5 years as well. "As you're aware, we are the AUA's priority enemies. There are Uncontrolled all over the world, but because we are hybrids with the power to create and breathe through the smog and also create Rakuza weapons, we are more of a threat to them. That's why they are so adamant about taking us prisoner or executing us." Mizuki was slightly worried by Taku's words. "What will we do, then? Aren't they going to find us at some point?" Taku stands up and paces around the room a bit before looking at her. "I have an idea. We're gonna need to travel. Go from place to place and keep moving so that we become harder to track and find."

"I see. So that will be our plan. Okay, I'm fine with it. As long as I'm with you, I'll be just fine." She giggles sofly and smiles at him. "It's getting late. You should get some sleep and I'll figure out what to do by morning, okay?" She nods before going over to the bed and under the covers. She slightly peeks at Taku while blushing. "T-Tak-kun.. Would you sit by my side till I fall asleep?" Taku's cheeks turn pink as he rubs his head. "Wh-What? Aren't you a little too old for that?" He asks her while crossing him arms. Mizuki pouts while puffing out her cheeks like a squirrel with acorns in it's mouth. "N-No fair.. It's been years. The least you can do is sit with me..." Using tactics, she coerces him to sit beside her on the bed. "F-Fine.." Pleased to see him there, she closes her eyes and begins to slowly drift off into slumber. While she does that, Taku spends the night devising a plan.

During that night, Tetsuo gets a video call from the German Alliance branch of the AUA. He pulls out his mobile device and answers the call. A hologram video screen pops up with the image of a woman with long silver hair with a ponytail in the back whose eyes were a deep fuschia. A small mole was present on her right cheek which most people would call a beauty mark. She was smiling brightly at the bruised male. "Hi~ It's good to see your handsome face again, my sweet Tetsuo!" Tetsuo sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "What do you want, Charlotte?"

"Well, I heard you were defeated by that mean ol' Hybrid-01 and I wanted to make sure you were doing okay. I've got some business to tend to at the Japan branch and we are also bringing soldiers over to help fortify your defenses in case another attack happens." She explains. Tetsuo closes his eyes as he replies. "I see. While I do appreciate the sentiment, I think we're perfectly fine with handling our own battles here. Shouldn't you be protecting your own headquarters there in Germany?" She giggles at what he had said and winks. "Oh, you're so silly Tetsuo~ My father is a highly intelligent and skilled individual. He already has a plan in case something happens here, so everything will be okay on our end. Don't you worry about that. Anyway, I'll be heading there soon so don't try to hide from me! Ciao, darling!" She hangs up and the screen vanishes. Tetsuo shakes his head and sighs again. "I will never understand that woman..."

Yato, who was sitting in a chair nearby, lightly chuckles. "Sorry to listen in on your conversation, sir. I couldn't help, but notice that Ms. Weber has quite the crush on you." Putting the device away, he lies back down in the bed. "Yeah.. She's always been that way since we first met. Things are gonna get really lively here in the next couple of days. Young Yato, you be wary of women like that, okay? Getting involved with them will only lead to trouble." Yato laughs a bit more while giving a nod. "Ehehehe.. Yes, sir."

The next day, Taku was busy cooking canned food in a pot over a fire. Mizuki awakens to the smell of food and joins him for breakfast. "Did you come up with a plan, Tak-kun?" Portioning the meal between the two of them, Taku passes her a bowl and gives her a nod. "Yeah, it'll be a risky plan. I checked the news on my mobile device and I hear that the AUA is beefing up security by bringing in soldiers from the German Alliance branch. My idea is that we stow away on one of their aircrafts and head for Germany. From there, we can try to find a safe place to stay." Mizuki's eyes widen as she stops eating. "That means.. we'd have to sneak into their base, right? That's crazy, Tak-kun! We might get killed!" Taku continues to eat as if nothing was wrong with his idea.

"You may be right, but it's still worth a shot. I mean.. I hear their country is a lot more relaxed and we can find an out of the way home to stay in. " There were contradictions in his plan. That was easy to tell. "What about Tarou? Aren't we going to look for him?" Finishing his food, he places the bowl down and looks at her. "Of course we are. I haven't really seen or heard about him here in Japan, so he could have also traveled somewhere outside of it. It's worth a shot." This plan still bothered her, but she decided to go with it and agree with Taku. "Okay.. I'm in. Let's sneak onto an aircraft to Germany." She nods to him. Once they finished, the two get ready to head towards the Japan base. "Alright, Mizuki. Here we go. Make sure to stay close in case we run into trouble." She grasps his sleeve and nods. "Alright." Once that was all said and done, the two start their journey back to the base. It'll be a dangerous task, but they are determined to succeed no matter what.

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