Volume 4 Chapter 24

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 "You feeble humans! You dare challenge the likes of a god?! I shall show you... the ultimate power of the Rafellions!" The monstrous version of Nathan unleashes a powerful shockwave, causing even more destruction within the city. Vehicles and debris from houses and buildings go flying in all directions. More and more Uncontrolled were making their way into the city. "Hyaa!" A swift slice from Tetsuo's katana cleaves a large Uncontrolled in half, saving some kids from being eaten. They were cowering in fear, but Tetsuo looks back at them. "Hurry and find a safe place! It's too dangerous out here!" He says to them as they nod and run off. "Damn... There's just too many of them. Come on, Taku... Kick that bastard's ass already!"

The other demon generals were fighting as well. Madison fought from a distance with both guns while Yato supported her with his fire attacks. One tries to attack her, but Yato throws a fireball at it and incinerates it. She smiles and gives him a thumbs up. "Thanks, sweetie! I love you!" He blushes and rubs the back of his head. "Heh.. Love you too, Madison." Brynhild was really making use of his chain blast explosives, killing off lots of Uncontrolled with ease. "Ha! If you think you're getting past me, you've got another thing coming! Suck on these!" Brynhild takes out a weapon he'd been saving for the battle against the hybrids and was able to use it in this situation instead. It was a grenade launcher that looked like it was packing lots of power. "I'm gonna turn you all into dust!" He fires off rounds that fly in multiple directions, exploding and destroying a lot more of them, dwindling their numbers. "No one messes with Brynhild the Brave!" He smirks.

Charlotte was also doing what she could to help by rescuing civilians and fighting off Uncontrolled. She guides a family to a shelter made by the remaining soldiers, only to come into contact with an Uncontrolled that resembled a wolf. It growls before lunging at her. Though it bites her arm, she shakes the pain off and shoves her lance through it's body and kills it. The daughter of the family, who was only 5 years old, goes up to her and wraps a bandage around her arm. "Thank you, Miss Soldier Lady. You're our hero." The little girl hugs Charlotte before running into the shelter. She couldn't help, but smile at that. She then goes back to fighting the Uncontrolled and rescuing whoever she can. Other soldiers were doing the same.

The fight ensues as Shinku, Taku, and Tarou take on Nathan. They each head in separate directions and start aiming for his legs. Tarou gathers energy and releases it, launching a large disc of crimson at his leg in hopes of cutting through it. Taku aims for his other leg and performs a cross slash with both swords covered in azure energy. The energy not only allowed the blades to increase in size, but also increase their cutting strength in order to pierce the hardened skin. Shinku creates a vibration within his dagger and runs up his leg, stabbing him in the thigh. "Ugh! You annoying little insects!" He shakes his legs and causes Taku to go flying into a building. Tarou is kicked and slams into a streetlight while Shinku tries to hang on tight. The monstrous Nathan swings his body around as he attempts to shake Shinku off. "You're not... getting away from me!" He increases the vibration within his dagger to an extremely high frequency, beginning to cut through the tough exterior.

Taku staggers to his feet and wipes the blood away from his lips as he watches Shinku get some damage in. Taking this chance, he leaps high into the air and begins to pivot his body in a vertical motion. While doing this, he exerts a high amount of azure energy and uses it to once again extend the length of his dual blades. He spins like a saw blade and begins to cut into the wound caused by Shinku. Blood gushes forth from Nathan's leg as he falls onto a knee. "Y-You son of a bitch!" He had an angered look on his face as he grabs onto Taku and squeezes his body tightly. "I'll squash you like the little annoying bug you are!" Taku screams out, feeling like his bones were about to be crushed. Tarou was the last to recover, noticing his brother being crushed. His eyes widen as he calls out to him. "Oh crap, Taku! I'll get you outta there, little brother! Just hold on!"

"Let him go, or else you'll feel my wrath!" He says in a threatening tone as he makes his way towards him. Nathan hears this an turns to look at the crimson eyed male. "Oh? And what praytell will you do to me of I don't?" He had a smug look on his face. "Oh, you'll see...." Tarou starts breathing out smog and covers his body in it. He uses it to power himself up as he starts to run up Nathan's injured leg. All while doing so, he unleashes multiple slash attacks. He then covers his own sword in a thick layer of crimson energy that shined like the Sun. "You're losing that hand! Right now!" He slams his broadsword into Nathan's wrist and then pushes in deeple with enough force to pierce his skin. Nathan was surprised to see he had enough power to do this. "Augh!!! You bastard!" Tarou tears through the entirety of his wrist and slices his hand clean off. As his grip on Taku is released, Taku plummets towards the ground. Shinku, however, makes it in time and catches him. "I've got you." He lands and gently places Taku down. "Are you alright? Can you still fight?" Taku begins coughing out blood as he looks up at Shinku with a pained smile. "Y-Yeah.. He fractured a couple of ribs, b-but... They'll heal.." He gives him a weak thumbs up.

Nathan was in a lot of pain, using his free hand to hold the area where his hand used to be. Not only that, but his leg was injured pretty badly and he was having some trouble. "Those pests.. The fact that they could do this to me... to a God! I'll massacre them... I'll pummel them into dust! Ahhhhh!!!!!" He yells loudly enough that everyone could hear him. He then begins to place his hand against his chest. A swirling vortex appears as he digs into it and begins to pull out a weapon from within. "Heh... You hybrids aren't the only ones who can create a Rakuza.... As a Rafellion, I can do that as well... Prepare to meet... my... Mjollnir!!!!" He pulls out a giant hammer and raises it to the sky. Lightning strikes and the sky starts to turn dark. It was as if this weapon of his had the power to alter reality. Everyone looks up in shock to see the massive weapon. "With this... I shall crush the planet to smithereens. I'll wipe every human being off the face of this planet, rebuild it in my image, and rule it as the new God!!!"

As this was happening, the demon generals had just finished taking out all of the Uncontrolled in the city. All the citizens had been evacuated and placed in a safe location away from where the battle was taking place. They all converge in the epicenter, meeting up with the three young men. Tetsuo makes his way over to Taku. "We've rescued everyone and currently have them hiding in a safe bunker. Both former demon generals Alfred and Renee are currently looking after them all. As for all the Uncontrolled in the city.. we've defeated them. Now it's out turn to help out here." Taku nods and lets out a sigh of relief. "That's good to know. And... thanks for being on our side." Madison walks over to Taku and places her hand on his shoulder. "We... judged you before, but now we understand. We're sorry for all we've done." She apologizes to him with a sincere face. Taku would then proceed to bow to her. "Same to you. Please forgive me for my actions as well. From now on, I want to be your ally. Not your enemy." The two then shakes hands and form an alliance.

"I hate to break up this nice moment, but... we've got bigger fish to fry." Charlotte says while looking up at Nathan holding his giant hammer. Brynhild strokes his beard with a puzzled look. "Damn it... How are we going to deal with that? He looks like he's got enough power to destroy the entire United States with that thing. Maybe even all of North America." Yato scratches his head, a one brow raised as he chimes in. "I wouldn't be surprised if he really does have the power to 'destroy the world' as he claims. If he does... we're all screwed." Tetsuo steps forward. "Let's not show our weakness. We need to stand tall and fight. We can't let Nathan get away with all of this." He looks at Taku. "I'm... going to put my trust in you, Taku Kitazawa. Everyone, let's buy Taku some time and help him reach that meteorite in his chest!" Shinku nods. "That's the ticket. Destroying that will most likely stop him for good. I'll lead the charge. Taku, you need to find the perfect moment to destroy it. I want you to put all of your power into that fina hit and smash that thing to pieces."

Taku was a bit worried. "What if... I don't have enough power?" Just then, Tarou steps up and puts his arm around his brother. "No worries, little brother. That's why you have me with you. We'll strike him together." Taku's eyes widen as he thinks back to the two of them as kids, working together to accomplish their goals. He was teary eyed, but smiles confidently. "Right. Let's do it, big brother!" He smiles and pats his back. "Hehe, kick ass! That's what heroes do!" Taku then points his blade at Nathan, who was readying his weapon with a demonic smile on his face. "Listen up, Nathan Daniels! We're going to defeat you and save this world! It doesn't matter who you are! Human, hybrid, Rafellion.. Whatever! I believe all beings can live in harmony! We will defeat you and we'll restore balance and peace to this world! Get ready, everyone!" They all speak at the same time. "Right!" As soon as they say that, they all begin charging in. The true final battle begins!

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