Volume 3 Chapter 19

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 The sound of dripping could be heard, creating a bit of an echo through the vast area. Eyes slowly open, looking around the dark cavern. Mizuki Minatsuki had been taken to the hive of Uncontrolled. What she first notices are the many Uncontrolled cocoons, filled with the eggs of Uncontrolled monsters. She gasps, but soon closes her mouth as she tries not to alert any nearby monsters that may be lurking. She then hears the sounds of footsteps approaching. Using quick thinking, she goes to find a place to hide. Her efforts were fruitless however, since the man had known she was here. "No need to hide, young lady. I already know you're here. As a matter of fact, I was the one who brought you here."

Mizuki stays hidden, only slightly poking her head out. "Wh-What do you want with me? I-I'll have you know that my friends Taku and Tarou will come rescue me in no time!" He raises a brow before laughing. "Ah, yes. Those two. Well... I'm sure I won't have to worry about that. I've taken you quite a far distance. It'd take quite some time for them to make it here." Hearing this broke Mizuki's spirit. She was so used to having them by her side, it was sad to know she wouldn't be rescued. "What are you going to.. do to me?" She asked while shaking. The man only shook his head. "It's not what I will do to you... It's what I've already done. You see... You and those two... You're all anomalies. The fact that three human beings could be transformed into Hybrid Uncontrolleds is unheard of. I just.. I had to study you for myself. Trying to capture the other two would prove difficult. But you... You were an easy target."

"Easy target?" He nods to her. "Yes, indeed. Unlike the two, you hadn't developed any abilities. No special weapons either. Sure, you can breathe the smog. But... producing and using it? I didn't see any of that. Anyway... Your DNA was needed. I needed to know what gave you beings your power. So I decided to take some and I replicated my own hybrid!" Stepping out from behind the man would be a small child with short brown hair and brown eyes. He resembled Mizuki in many ways and scars all over. Her eyes widen as she sees the child. He really did look just like her. "Oh, I guess you can say this is your son. Of course, I won't have you acting as his mother. In fact, you won't remember any of this after I'm done with you."

Mizuki was worried, slowly backing away. "P-Please! Just... l-leave me alone!" The man smirks while resting his hands in his pockets. He would slowly approach her, entering a clearing where some light was shining through. What Mizuki would then see is the man's face. He looked like someone she'd seen before, but she wasn't sure where. She thought maybe he was on television or some sort of important figure. She just couldn't put her finger on it. "I'll leave you with these parting words. Thank you so much for being my test subject and I'm sure we'll see each other again someday. Know that I will make use of this experiment and one day use what I have learned to finally reach the state I've been wanting to achieve for years. One day... I will become one of 'them'! I will revive what was once lost! Hahahahahahaha!!!!!" Before Mizuki could react, the young boy knocks her unconscious. When she had finally come to, she was in Japan and had no memory of what had happened.

She spent days to weeks wandering and doing her best to escape the Uncontrolled, only to end up reuniting with Taku on that fateful day. She then starts to cry upon realizing all that had happened to her. Taku had a hard time processing everything. "So... That's how it is, huh? Someone's been using the Uncontrolled. Not only to wreak havoc among the entire world, but to also become something no one has ever become. Not to mention... This man made a hybrid from your DNA. That is... just so hard to believe." Taku says while pondering. Mizuki would then wrap her arms around him. "It's all true. I believe this man wiped my memory in order to stop me frim exposing him. But... Why didn't he just kill me then?" She wonders as Taku gets an idea as to why. "Maybe he needs us hybrids for something. If it's to achieve some kind of form, then perhaps he needs our DNA. But... Why would he want to use our DNA?"

"I think.... he wants to attain a form that will survive the outside and be able to heal. After all, we are special." He nods to her. "That's true, but one thing hasn't been answered. Just who is that man?" Taku asks while Mizuki thinks for a moment. It then hits her. Was that... the president of the US? I mean... It might be him. It... looked like him." Taku crosses his arms, thinking. "If it is... then we're going to have to get to the bottom of this. I think we need to go to the US and infiltrate the base. We'll question him and beat those answers out of him if we have to. Not to mention, I have to pay him back for what he did to you." He smacks his fist against the palm of his hand. Mizuki, however, looked worried. "While I do agree that we need to stop him, I'm much more concerned about the little boy. He's.. a hybrid like us and made of my DNA. I'm sure he's being used by him.... I... I want to rescue him." Taku would give her a nod. "Sure. We will do that as well. I promise." She smiles brightly in response as the two begin to get things ready. Taku makes sure to train really hard before they leave to head to America. The spatial distortion ability is used, bringing the two all the way to the US.

Once they are there, they begin to explore. "Looks like we'll have to find our way to town and figure out a way to infiltrate the base. I will fight the president and you'll rescue the boy." She nods to him. "Right!" They start to make their way towards Washington DC in order to infiltrate the main headquarters of the AUA. It was going to be difficult, but Taku was ready to face the challenges that lie ahead.

A few days ago, Nathan Daniels had heard from Brynhild and Charlotte that they fought against Tarou and were unable to stop him. Nathan found this interesting, but also a tad worrying. If he was here, that meant that the other hybrids were sure to show up as well. He already knew that Madison, Yato, and Tetsuo took quite a beating from Shinku. Taku had gotten away as well, so things were not going so well. However... Nathan had a plan in mind. He called all generals and subordinates to return to the US. They were going to enact a new attack formation in an attempt to take all of them out at once. Nathan sat in his office, the young boy by his side. "Yes, I understand. Alright then. Please hurry back." He hangs up the video call and smirks. "Things are finally coming together. It won't be long now until I reach the goal I've been wanting for so many years."

The boy tugs at Nathan's sleeve. "Yes, what is it, Mell?" He says while raising a brow. "Oh, so they are here, huh? I guess with you being able to sense their presence, you'd know i they were close or not. If that's the case, then we better get things ready." He stands to his feet and heads to the airship landing zone, watching as the airships of all other generals finally make it to the US. He couldn't help, but smile as he knew that all the puzzle pieces were coming together.

Forgotten World: The Promise We Made That DayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora