Volume 1 Chapter 5

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 In Berlin, Germany, an AUA airship was making it's way towards the German Alliance base. The small, yert powerful building stood close to the improved and fortified Berlin Wall, which is now used to keep Uncontrolled away from the citizens of Germany. The airship comes to a landing in the back and soldiers get ready to unload items from the cargo hold. Taku and Mizuki were lying in wait, preparing a surprise attack for when the soldiers open up the cargo hold. "The plan is to knock them out, right? Not to kill them." Mizuki asks with a concerned look on her face. Though the AUA were enemies, Mizuki still could not find herself able to kill humans. It was so foreign to her, despite the fact that both Taku and Tarou have killed soldiers before.

"Yes. That's the idea. If we can avoid casualties, that'll be for the best. The last thing we need are soldiers on our asses." Taku brings forth his twin Rakuza blades and gets into position as he readies himself for the attack. the hatch slowly opens and Taku springs into action. "H-Huh?!" The soldiers are immediately caught off guard as Taku moves like lightning. He uses the pommels of his blade in order to knock the soldiers unconcious. He then turns to Mizuki and gives her a thumbs up, letting her know that the plan was a success. Now all they have to do is escape the base and find a safe place to go. The two make their way off of the airship and sneak into the transport dock of the base.

"Tak-kun.... I'm scared." Mizuki grips Taku's sleeve. A light sigh escapes his lips as he turns to her and gives her a reassuring smile. "Everything will be okay, Mizuki. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise." They begin to sneak through the base, making sure to avoid soldiers and sneak past any cameras and security systems. Luckily for the two, the base was small and relatively easy to navigate through. "Okay, I think we've almost made it through." They stop to take a break with a room that seems to be used to store things. It was pretty empty and hardly had anything in it. After a short rest, they continue onwards. They find what looks to be an exit not too far from them and head towards it.

"Finally! I can't wait to get out of here. Mizuki happily skips in the direction of the door, but Taku catches a glint and quickly pulls the girl away. "Mizuki, wait!" He stops her just before she could walk into what seemed to be a wire trap of sorts. "E-Eh? What's wrong, Tak-kun?" He points at what was only a few feet in front of them. It was indeed a wire trap. Someone deliberarely set this up for them to run into, but who? It was then that they'd find out who as they hear clapping in the distance. "Hehehe.... You did well to notice my trap, Hybrid-01." Taku and Mizuki turn to see an elderly man approaching them. He had a snide look on his face and a dignified stance despite his age.

"That trap was set a while ago. How'd you know we were here?" Taku questions the man. He would then let out a chuckle while crossing his arms. "A little birdie told me. Apparently the soldiers in Japan noticed an abundance of smog that isn't normally in an area close to citizens. My daughter and the other Demon General did a search the next day, looking for the two of you. It would seem there were no signs of activity besides close to the base. I put two and two together, figuring out you'd sneak off to Germany by stowing away on an airship." The man props his glasses up and smirks. Taku would then glare at him. "I guess there's no reason hiding who you are. If you're this smart, you must be a Demon General."

He would then give Taku an earnest nod, pulling out some wires and turning his smirk into a wicked grin. "I am Alfred Weber. Demon General of the German Alliance branch of the AUA. I'm also known as Alfred the Wise. It's a pleasure to meet you, Hybrid-01 and Hybrid-03. However.... This is farewell." He swings the wire like a whip as it flies towards Mizuki. Taku quickly grabs ahold of her, dodging the wire, but ends up feeling a tinge of pain as his shoulder begins to bleed. The blood drips down the now visible wire. "Augh!" Taku winces in pain. "Ahahaha! You should know I wouldn't place just one wire! You see.... I'm what you'd call a trap master. What I lack in combat skill, I make up in strategy and planning. It's how I made my way to the top."

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