Volume 4 Chapter 20

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 After having some time to rest, the generals along with Nathan, were all in the same meeting room as before. It'd already been a bit of time since their battles with the Uncontrolled. Yato and Tetsuo had recovered, albeit that Yato had some bandages wrapped around his head. Tetsuo's blood transfusion was a success and with some rest, he was ready to go. Madison, Charlotte, and Brynhild were all quite fine and didn't have serious injuries, so they were good to go. "I know that we've suffered some losses, but we cannot give up. Our battle against the hybrids is nearly at a close. I know that we still need to deal with the threat of the Uncontrolled, but if we are successfull in finally taking down those 3, that will be a great weight lifted from our soldiers." Nathan says to them all with his hands behind his back.

"As you all know, all 3 hybrids are here in the United States. It won't be long until they come knocking at our door. In order to stop them, we must combine our strength and take them out with all we've got. We've taken way too long. We must strike while the iron is hot." He slams his hands on the desk. Madison then stands up and clears her throat. "If I may speak.... It isn't just the hybrids. I believe our biggest threat isn't them, but the assassin. He doesn't claim to be on their side, but he's been helping them. As things are, we won't be able to defeat them with him around." She says before taking a seat. Tetsuo then chimes in. "She's right. I want to defeat those hybrids, but Shinku is our worst threat. If he ends up showing his face, we won't stand a chance." Nathan shakes his head, looking at everyone before giving a reassuring smile.

"You can rest easy, my comrades. I believe it's time for me to put my hat into the ring." He crosses his arms. Renee tilts her head while looking at him. "If you don't mind me asking sir... What will you be doing? Don't tell me you're going to fight." He starts to laugh. "Oh, I will. I may not look it, but I'm a skilled fighter as well. I've even created my own Divinity Arms. With it, I'll be sure to keep Shinku busy while you all face off against the hybrids." The entire group look baffled, wondering why he hadn't been fighting by their side before. He would look at them all, only to burst into another fit of laughter as he always does. "Oh, I see. You all don't believe in my skill. Well, I was once a fighter. I even fought in some wars. I guess you can call me a veteran. It was my career before becoming an archeologist."

Hearing about Nathan's past all of a sudden caused even more confusion. There were so many things that they didn't know about him that thtey were just learning about. "A-All I can say is... wow. You're quite the well rounded person, Mr. Daniels." Alfred says while scratching his cheek. "You flatter me, really. Hehe.. Anyway, let's get back to business. I'm only making an assumption, but I may take a few more days before Hybrid-02 recovers from the previous fight. Charlotte did quite the number on him, so I'm sure it'll take a but more time. As for Hybrid-01 and 03, we'll have keep watch. They are most likely at peak condition and planning to make their way here in that same amount of time." He shows a map of the Eastern coast of the United States, pointing to where the soldiers will be stationed. "I have soldiers at DC's borders, ready to take action and contact us if they spot the hybrids. Once we get the signal, that's when we attack. I will make sure all weapons are refined and ready for battle. This time, we will achieve victory."

Yato stands up. "I... I want to fight as best as I can, sir. I know I'm still recovering, but... I need to do my part and stop them once and for all." Tetsuo smirks and stands up as well. "I agree with him. It's about time we finally put them down for good." Madison, who was also with them at the last battle, smiles and gets out of her seat. "I believe in the power of teamwork. We may have lost last time, but this will be the final battle. We can't afford to lose." These encouraging words cause Charlotte and Brynhild to stand up too. "You are so inspiring. I too believe that as long as we combine our might, we can overcome any obstacle. I owe it to my father to fight as hard as I can. For the sake of the people of Germany and even all the others around the world. We will win this time." Brynhild pats her back. "Well spoken, Char. Though miscalculations were made and losses were suffered, I believe that we can improve our technique and strategy. The strength of the human heart is greater than the inhuman powers of those vile creatures. Let us stand strong and never let our hearts waver."

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