Volume 2 Chapter 11

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Both Renee and Taku zip across the battlefield at high speeds, Renee firing off multiple bullets. These bullets were faster and had more piercing power than regular bullets from normal firearms. Being a Divinity Arm, it's able to shoot through diamond and even pierce multiple buildings. An impressive feat for pistols. Taku's slashes and his reaction time was quick enough to deflect the bullets and knock them away before he could be hit by them. He then closes the distance in between him and Renee, sending powerful sword swings her way. With her pistols alone, she is capable of blocking off his slashes despite the fact that she was being pushed back. "Hehe.. You're quite powerful, hybrid."

"You're pretty skilled yourself, demon general. Those are some pretty dangerous pistols you've got there." He smirks at her as she lets out a giggle. "And those swords of yours are a real threat if I'm cut by them." They both jump back and give each other some distance, both entering their repective fighting stances. "I guess you better be careful, then." Taku charges energy within his blades and then releases them, throwing out waves of energy that fly towards her at high speeds. Each wave moved either vertical or horizontal and were so fast, it was hard for any regular person to even see them. However, Renee was no regular fighter. There was a reason she was called the Demon General of the Swift. She powers through them all, shooting bullets that destroy the energy waves in seconds. She then rushes forward, making a beeline for Taku. She pivots her body and launches a bullet barrage at him.

Taku does his best to deflect as many bullets as possible, but some of them end up piercing his stomach and arms. This causes him to drop his blades. Blood drips from both arms as he pants. "Damn... That actually hurt..." Madison begins to cheer Renee on, jumping up and down. "Whoo!!! Get him, Renee! You're the best!" Renee looks back at her while sighing. "Madison, please... Focus on being a soldier rather than a cheerleader." She blushes and rubs the back of her head. "R-Right.. Sorry." She then points towards Mizuki. "Go handle that hybrid over there while I finish off this one." Madison nods to her and readies her shotgun. "Yes, ma'm!" She takes aim at Mizuki, who gasps and starts to run away so that she could find a safe spot to protect herself. Taku's eyes widen as he swiftly rushes in and picks up one of his blades.

Madison takes the shot, firing off a shotgun shell at Mizuki. "Die, hybrid!" Before it could hit Mizuki, Taku slices the shot in half and then enters a high speed rush towards Madison. Fear fills hers face as she attempts to reload her shotgun and fire off another one at him. She was obviously too slow to do this in time and ends up being punched in the stomach by Taku. She coughs up blood and falls to the ground. This angers Renee, who readies one of her strongest techniques. "Madison! Get away from her, you monster! Finishing Strike: Final Shot!" She shoots out two powerful lasers from both guns that travel at light speeds towards Taku. He positions the flat end of his blade and uses it to block the lasers. It takes a lot of force, but he is able to completely stop the lasers. His sword shatters into tiny pieces in the process of doing so.

With her lasers now diminished, Renee had run out of steam and was already exhausted. Taku had used up quite a lot of strength as well, but he needed to make sure he could finish this. He had to protect Mizuki no matter what. He makes his towards his second sword and quickly picks it up. Renee aims her gun and pulls the trigger to fire off one final bullet in hopes of ending the fight, but the white haired male had already reacted before she did, launching his blade and making it spin light a saw blade. The bullet pierces his shoulder while his sword rotates in a clockwise motion, the blade making it behind her and stabbing Renee in the back. Blood spurts out from her back as she hits the ground. "R-Renee!!!!!!!!!!" Madison screams out and goes over to her superior, picking her up and holding her in her arms.

"Y-You.... You monster!! I'm going to kill you for this. I swear I will!" Tears stream down her face as she continues holding an injured Renee. Mizuki makes her way towards Taku and helps him up. As soon as that happens, an explosion goes off in the distance. They look in the direction of the sound and Taku clenches his fist. "Th-That's..... T-Tarou... I.. I know it's him." Mizuki nods. "Let's be on our way. He may be in trouble." The two start to head in that direction. Madison continues to cry while glaring at them. "I will have my revenge, you disgusting creatures!!!! I will make sure you pay for this! Please, Renee... Please open your eyes and tell me you're okay!" Renee's eyes open slowly, blood dripping from her lips. "Madi..son.. Th..ank... you..." She closes her eyes once again.

Madison was in deep shock, afraid that her one and only parental figure was about to die. Brynhild, who had finally made his way out of the forest, makes it back to where Renee and Madison were. At that time, the Soviet Strongold had finally shown up. "What happened to Renee?!" He goes over to them. "It was those... hybrids. They did this to her!" He sighs and looks down. "It's worse than I expected. All three of them are here in Russia. Alright, men! Your mission is to find and capture the 3 hybrids! They're wounded, so it should be easy to capture them!" The platoon of soldiers all salute their leader before mobilizing and heading to where the hybrids are. Other soldiers arrive to take Madison, Bryhild, and Renee to the AUA medical center.

Madison took the least damage and only need some ice for her stomach. She was lucky none of her bones were broken by Taku's punch. Brynhild was in a hospital bed and needed to stitch up quite deep lacerations and a major operation to seal up the hole in his stomach from Tarou's attack. Renee was in the worst shape, at an ICU where she needed multiple surgeries since a major organ was injured by Taku's sword. Madison had asked the doctor if she was going to make it, but he let her known it'd be a while before they'd know. After hours pass, her surgery was over and the doctor steps out to see Madison. "H-How is she?" He shakes his head while frowning. "Thankfully, she hasn't died, but..... the injury had done quite some damage to her spinal chord. She will no longer be able to use her legs and must be in a wheelchair. Her days as a Demon General are over."

She was shocked. Heartbroken to hear that her superior would no longer be able to fight by her side, teach her, or protect the human race. "I.. I have to see her!" She tries to rush into the room, but the doctor holds her back. "She's still trying to recover and needs time before she can have visitors! P-Please consider the situation and wait until she is ready!" A soft voice could the be heard from inside the hospital room. "It's okay.... Let her in, please." Silence falls on them before Madison shakes him off and enters the room. "Renee! I was so..." She stops to see Renee, weakened and frail. She peacefully sat in the bed, bandaged up from the wounds. This causes the young woman to break into tears. "Don't cry, Madison.... You did your best for me.. and that's what matters. Come and sit by me." She pats the chair next to her with her index finger.

"Alright.." She gives her a nod and takes a seat. As soon as she sits down, Renee places a gentle touch against Madison's hand. "You're... a real treasure, Madison. Your father had faith in you... He knew you'd grow into a wonderful woman, capable of fighting for a just cause like him." She shakes her head. "No way! I... I'm too weak to be compared to him or even you! I couldn't stop the hybrid and I couldn't even protect you! I'm.. I'm so sorry, Renee. It's all my fault that I..." Before Madison could continue blaming herself, Renee leans in and places a soft kiss upon her forehead. "It's okay. You did all that you could. It was a dangerous battle and you never ran away. That tenacity and vigor is what makes a soldier of the Anti Uncontrolled Army. I'd even go so far as to say... it makes you the perfect candidate to be the next Demon General of the Swift. So... I want you to have this."

Renee hands Madison her two beloved pistols, her Divinity Arms. Madison's eyes widen as she hugs the guns and starts crying again. "Th-Thank you so much, Renee... I will do all that I can to show you just how strong I can be. I will proudly hold the title!" She nods and smiles in response. "Then.. I officially pronounce you... Demon General Madison the Swift." She bows to her. "I will do my best, Renee. It's an honor. Just you wait, you damn hybrids... The next time we fight, I will make sure you pay for what you did." With revenge on her mind and a legacy in her heart, she weilds her new title with pride. With all that has happened, things are moving at a very quick pace. Who knows just what will happen next?

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