Volume 4 Chapter 22

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 "Aaaaahhhh!!!!" The child never spoke. Not once. The only thing that ever left his lips were grunts and yells. It was apparent that Nathan Daniels never schooled this child or taught him anything besides fighting and surviving. His purpose for creating this child was to study the hybrids and learn how they work. Not only that, but as a means for an experiment to find something out. What that thing is.... Only he knows. Shinku had his hands full taking on the boy, a bit frazzled at the fact that this kid was much faster than Taku or Tarou. It was most likely because of his size. Mell was much smaller and because of that, had much more mobility than the two adult males. However, he wasn't going to let that deter him. He keeps up with Mell's movements, blocking and parrying away his claw strikes.

"Hehehe... Interesting. So this is the power of the super soldier. Your father's technology is amazing. My technology is much better, though. I have harnessed the ability to create hybrid Uncontrolled. As soon as Hybrid-01 and Hybrid-02 are killed, I'll harvest their DNA and create more that are just like Mell. No... Even stronger than Mell! No one will stop me!!!" Nathan says while starting to laugh. Mizuki shakes her head. "Y-You're... a madman. Why are you making this little boy fight? He's just a child!" He turns to look at her. "It's simple. Training them at a young age makes them a more seasoned fighter. They'll have much more experience in combat and be much stronger than just turning a human into one." Mizuki couldn't fathom this. She just wanted things to go back to normal and for the child to be safe. She wouldn't wish this sort of cruel world for anyone.

Smog starts coming out of Mell's mouth as he begins powering himself up. Nathan sees this and smirks. "He's learning as he fights. Impressive." Mell would increase his speed and start overwhelming Shinku by moving faster than him. His attack strength wasn't as high as Shinku's, but his movement speed was much greater. Shinku needed to focus in order to not take damage. Unfortunately, he misses just once and that causes Mell's claw to slice into the side of Shinku's arm. He winces, clicking his tongue in annoyance as he jumps back and creates a bit of distance between them. "Well, isn't this interesting? You were such a high and mighty assassin, but one kid is throwing you off your game? I guess you're out of practice." Nathan comments with crossed arms and a smirk across his lips. "You're quite naive, Daniels. To think I've lost some skill is a mistake. " His dagger starts vibrating as he rushes in and closes the distance between Mell and himself. "Sorry, kid. I don't intend to lose this match. The lady wants to save you and intend to make that happen."

Using a multi-hit slash attack, Shinku's dagger cuts through the claws and the pieces go flying through the air. Mell was surprised by this, his mouth agape. Shinku would then pivot his body, sending a powerful kick to the boy's side. He slams into the wall and just lies there. He was knocked out by just that. "Whew... I held back the best I could." He says while glancing back at Mizuki. With a light smile, she gives him a nod and goes over to Mell. She holds the boy and gently touches his face. "He really does... look like me. This poor child... forced to fight and act as a weapon for this cruel man... Don't worry, Mell. You're safe now." He turns to look at Nathan. "As you can see, I've won. Now it's your turn." Nathan stands from his desk and pulls out his Divinty Arms. It was a large halberd that he was easily able to weild with only one hand. He jumps out in front of Shinku and points it at him.

"Show me your strength, assassin. Let's just see how powerful you really are." He rushes in and swings the halberd towards Shinku. He jumps out of the way just in time, dashing at him and sliding to his side in an attempt to flank him. He would then send a swift slash with his dagger, attempting to injure his leg so that his movements are hindered. "How futile!" He kicks Shinku as he rolls across the floor. He regains his composure and rushes in once again, which causes Nathan to thrust the halberd forward to pierce his chest. Shinku avoids the hit narrowly, his dagger skidding against the side of his weapon and slicing into his left arm. "Augh! You insolent wretch! How dare you draw blood from me!" He attempts to slam the pole of his halberd into the side of Shinku's head, which hits and causes Shinku to slam into a wall. "Hehehe... How's that?" He says with a cocky look on his face.

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