Volume 4 Chapter 21

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"That's the signal! We've gotta get a move on! All soldiers, let's go!" Tetsuo takes charge leading the front as everyone begins to head out into the open wilderness. The vast landscape that is the ruins of the last known United States was now home to Uncontrolled who roamed the land. Many soldiers had begun to face off against the ones that lingered within the area. While they were doing that, the demon generals made their way towards the location where Taku and Tarou were at. A powerful pressure could be felt as they get closer. Tetsuo stops, holding his hand out to let them know not to go any further. "Something's.... not right here." Yato stands next to him, crossing his arms. "Yeah, you're right. I can tell the hybrids are nearby, but it's as if they're exerting large amount of energy."

"We need to check it out." Brynhild says while walking past them. They all agree to continue onwards until they witness something they never expected to see. The field was being torn apart by streaks of crimson and azure energy. Both Taku and Tarou were moving at high speeds, clashing with each other and causing the ground beneath them to crack. Each time they cross swords, it was as if a bomb was going on. Not only was it loud, but it shook the earth beneath everyone within a 100 mile radius. "The hybrids.... They're... fighting each other?" Madison couldn't believe her eyes. They expected the two brothers to be working together to destroy the AUA, but instead they were going against each other. Brynhild lets out a sigh and rubs his head. "Ya know... I did notice that Hybrid-02 was acting a bit different than the first time I took him on. Before, he was prideful seemed to love a good fight against strong opponents. Now he's more like a monster. He was ready to kill Charlotte and I with everything he had."

Charlotte nods. "I agree. I've seen him multiple times and even I can tell that something has changed within him." Tetsuo rubs his chin as he thinks for a moment. "Perhaps the two brothers had a sort of.. falling out. If that's the case, then it'd make sense for them to want to fight. Anyway.. This may actually work in our favor." Madison raises a brow as she looks at him. "What do you mean?" She asks, curious as to where Tetsuo is going with this. "We should sit back and watch this fight. One of them is sure to take down the other. All we have to do is wait until that happens and then take out the winner after he's been weakened from the fight." He smirks. Brynhild then nods and chuckles. "That's a really good idea, Tetsuo. Let's see how this plays out." All the demon generals decide to keep a good distance and observe the fight.

The battle continues as the two clash swords. A power struggle begins as the two try to push each other back. "Tarou! Why the hell are you doing this?! We're brothers! Family!" Crimson energy covers Tarou's sword as he starts pushing Taku back. "It's simple, little brother! We can live in this world! We have the power to survive. Think about it, Taku. We have the power to fight the Uncontrolled, breathe the smog, and heal from all kinds of damage. Don't you think everyone in this world could live more peacefully that way?" Taku tries to keep himself from sliding back too much, using as much strength as he could muster. "That's now how things should be! We should have never turned into such beings in the first place! We're constantly hunted, treated like monsters, and have to try to survive with hardly any food or a decent place to sleep! We've had terrible lives!"

Tarou laughs as he kicks him in the stomach, sending Taku rolling against the ground. "It won't really matter in the end. With everyone becoming hybrids, we won't to deal with those issues!" Taku slowly gets up, spitting out some blood. "Your ideals are twisted, big brother.... I only fight because I have to protect Mizuki. I don't really want to hurt humans...... I... I really feel bad for the damage I've caused to those AUA soldiers. They've all suffered losses and had to deal with problems as well. Sure, we aren't the cause of all this madness, but they needed someone to blame and we became those scapegoats. I wish I could tell them that I don't actually mean them any harm..." Taku's words cause Tetsuo's eyes to widen. Was what he was saying true? "No... It' can't be. They're monsters.... They don't have emotions..." Tetsuo says as he clenches his fist and looks away.

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