Volume 2 Chapter 7

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"Wait father! Please, don't go!" A young girl calls out to a man who was walking into an obvious death trap. Uncontrolled littered the area. The monstrous creatures were ready to attack. One particular Uncontrolled which resembled a golem raised it's massive arm and was about to slam it into the man. All he could do was turn to face the little girl with a smile on his face. His smile wasn't one of happiness, but of sadness instead. That pained look signified the feeling that he'd never get to see his daughter grow up. She wanted to reach out. She wanted to pull him back to her, but she couldn't do it. It was too late. Before she could witness her father's death for the hundredth time, the 19 year old girl shoots up from her bed and pants heavily. Her body was covered in sweat and her face was pale, as if she'd seen a ghost.

Her fellow bunkmate could only look with a surprised face as she rubs the back of her head. "Another night of nightmares, I presume?" She asks while handing her a cloth to wipe the sweat from her face. She accepts the kind gesture and gives her face a good wipe before placing the cloth to the side. "Th-Thanks... and yes. It was another nightmare. It's as if... my memories are trying to haunt me. The young woman makes her way over to her and places her hand on her shoulder, a reassuring smile on her face. "Look, Madison... I understand where you're coming from. We've all lost a lot because of the Uncontrolled, but that's why we're here today. To fight them and uphold the peace of mankind."

"Y-You're right.. I need to get myself together. Renee is going to be taking me along for a mission today." Madison's roomate was impressed, maybe a tad bit jealous that the Demon General of the Swift chose to mentor her over so many other candidates. Perhaps it's because she was a colleague of Madison's father and wanted to make sure she was okay after her loss. It could also be because she had been trained by her father who was a high ranking officer in the AUA. Her skill with a shotgun is proof enough that she is suitable to be the next Demon General after Renee steps down. "Alright, alright. You best get going so you're not late." Madison quickly hops out of bed and readies herself to meet up with Renee. After gathering her gear, putting on her uniform, and readying her weapons, she leaves the dorms and heads to the main building of the AUA known as the United Forces. It is located in the United States of America and is located in the nation's capital of Washington DC.

Renee Mclaughlin had already been waiting for her for about 15 minutes now and was wondering where Madison could be. The now tired out Madison finally arrives, stopping in front of her mentor in order to catch her breath since she'd ran all the way here. "I'm.. sorry about being late, Renee." She had her arms crossed while raising a brow in curiosity. "Hm.. It's not ethical to show up late on a day like this, but I'm sure you had your reasons, so I'll let it slide. Madison was looking away, a nervous look on her face. "Well, to be honest.. I had another nightmare. It was about my father again." She look down and averts her eyes. The Demon General pitied the girl, wanting to try to raise her spirits and cheer her up.

"Listen, Ms. Tate. Your father would be mighty proud to see how far you've come. You've grown into a fine woman who has proven she's worthy of being in the AUA. You're strong, Ms. Tate. Don't forget that." She gives her a soft smile, which then turns into a look of determination. "Now, what do you say? Should we get a move on and start the mission?" Madisin nods happily in response. "Of course! I'm as ready as I'll ever be, ma'm!" With newfound vigor and rejuvnation, the two press on and begin to exit the base. They travel through the city in order to reach the closed off gate which keeps the city safe from Uncontrolled. Once there, Renee turns to look at Madison while readying her dual pistols. "As soon as we leave this city, we'll be treading dangerous territory. Keep an eye out for Uncontrolled."

She nods to her superior as the guards protecting the entrances and exits to the city let the two of them through. They head out into the wilderness which was once filled with life. It was now a wasteland of wrecked buildings and empty streets. It was a somber reminder that life is no longer like it once was. Humans are holding onto what they have left in these dark times. "Alright, Madison. Our mission is to clear out a nest of Uncontrolled before they grow and become a threat to the city. Follow me and I'll show you where it is." The two head to an area which used to be a college campus, but now became a home to many dangerous Uncontrolled. The moment they enter the abandoned campus, a multitude of wolf Uncontrolled pounce at them. With fangs bared, they aim for the two females in an attempt to rip them apart and devour them.

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