Chapter 16. Scars

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"I'll ask you once last time."

Lord Nathaniel glanced down at the surviving intruder from last night, who was sat with his arms and legs tethered to an old wooden chair. They were deep underground in the castle dungeons, a place where prisoners were to be tortured and interrogated for their crimes.

Centuries ago Nathaniel's forefathers built this castle specifically to block out any sound from reaching the surface, thus making the dungeon a place for no escape as not even their screams could save them.

"Who sent you?" Asked Nathaniel in an eerily calm voice as he stood in front of the man.

"Nobody." He grunted in reply as he shifted around in his chair.

He narrowed his eyes, knowing this was a lie. Slamming his hand on the top of the chair, the man finally looked up to meet his eyes.

"You must be loyal to whoever you work for. I'll do whatever it takes to break that." He spoke coldly.

"Do whatever the fuck you want." The man hissed in his chair.

What a fool, Lord Nathaniel thought to himself. He could see through his facade of bravery, inside he was nothing but a cowardly man who only preyed on the weak. He had to admit he was hoping he would put up a little fight, it only made the breaking process more enjoyable. After all, he was the man that had tried to kill the human girl he so cherished, and he would enjoy every second of torturing him.

Before The Lord could speak, a guard bursted into the cell. He narrowed at the intrusion, he didn't take kindly to being interrupted.

"Forgive me for interrupting my Lord, the girl has woken up." He explained, seeing Lord Nathaniel's face soften at the information provided.

Grabbing a nearby cloth, he wiped his hands clean of any blood. He didn't need Olivia asking questions about it, or arouse any suspicion, and it was best she never found out about what happened in the underground dungeons. It was mostly because the girl had been through and seen too much, but also because he didn't want her to fear him again.

He was a different man in the dungeons, and he didn't want her to ever see that side of him.

Walking towards the table at the entrance of the cell, he picked up a sharp silver blade. Silver could be fatal for a vampire, but the mere touch of it would burn like fire on skin.

"You know what to do." He turned to the guard. "If he becomes unconscious revive him with vampire blood, and do not stop until I return."

The man shuddered as he struggled in his chair, the glint of sadism in Lord Nathaniel's eyes sparking a sudden fear in him.

"As you wish my Lord." The tall guard nodded as he picked up the blade with caution.

As he walked through the dungeon corridors, he could hear the man's echoing screams slowly fade away. The Lord would always be the one to personally torture his prisoners, but for now he had more important matters to attend to.


Olivia had woken up with a minor headache. When her eyes had adjusted to the sunlight, she sat upwards but quickly lied back down as she winced at a sharp pain coming from her lower stomach. Pushing away from the blanket, she rolled her dress up to find a bandage wrapped around her torso.

Her heart dropped, remembering clearly what had happened last night. Uncomfortable memories from last night rushed to her, feeling her heart clench when she remembered how worried Lord Nathaniel looked. She had never seen him like that before, she didn't know he was even capable of so much emotion in his eyes.

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