7. We can't get caught

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"Max I haven't even got my ..."
"I bought some of your stuff in already, you already packed remember or you can wear something of mine I don't mind. I bought your max blanket over too."
"Oh, ok" I nodded a little uneasy all of a sudden, my shaking hands finally stopped now I was safely in Max's room.
"you okay now?" He asked sweetly I nodded glancing back at his door "I got us snacks...I got marshmallows!....and some sodas and..." he smiled at my bewildered look as I lingered near the door nervously. He went and put some music on then came and took my headphones out giving me a gentle soft kiss, I stood there a little frozen unsure of what or how I was supposed to act now, so I shuffled nervously on the spot. He went and stripped down to his underwear pulling out some sweatpants from a draw, I instinctively turned around to avert my gaze, I heard max laughing lightly at me then he came over stroking my arms and kissing my shoulder.

"My sweet little Emmy, What are you doing?"
"I don't know I thought you might want some privacy" he spun me around slowly so I was faced with his bare muscly chest.
"Emmy you saw a lot more of me last night!" I got embarrassed and hid my face in his chest "Emmy? You still upset about Ed? The doors locked. He'll behave, we all know that look on Matty's eyes, he wasn't joking, Ed quite likes his face the way it is."
"I'm not sure how I'm supposed to be around you anymore....it's a little awkward, no not awkward just new I guess" he raised my head in his usual manner and cupped my face in his large hand pulling me closer with his other hand then kissed me the way he had done earlier erupting the same overwhelming emotions and sensations in me as I kissed him back, this felt right, max felt right. He pulled away smiling at me, he went and turned the music up a little louder then poured some sodas for us and waited patiently for me to move away from his door.

I took the hoodie off then looked down at my arm I remembered my bandage and started feeling self conscious again.
"Emmy, it doesn't bother me, well it does obviously I don't want you to do it, but seeing it doesn't bother me." I paused before removing my clothes asking max not to watch me undress, he looked at me funny but turned around, although I'm sure he was looking over his shoulder every now and then. I put one of Max's smart button up shirts on then took my bra off underneath it before doing up a few buttons, it swamped me like a dress.
"This ok max?" I asked quietly feeling really insecure, he turned around smirking at me "I take that as a yes?" I let out a small unsure giggle.
"More than ok Emmy, you look..." he didn't finish his sentence instead kissing me again gripping my waste tightly with his large hands. "My beautiful little Emmy" He cooed at me tucking stray hairs behind my ears
"I don't feel beautiful today max" I said sadly
"Well that doesn't mean you're not does it! And take it from me Emmy you are so fucking beautiful, I'm one lucky man Emmy. I'm pinching myself that you're actually here with me right now."
"Shut up drumsticks!" I shoved him lightly, he kissed my forehead then led me to the bed handing me a soda.

We sat chatting for a while, max explaining to me that he thought the music was a good disguise to talk freely. I slowly began to relax and laugh at his goofy ways that were part of the reason I fell in love with him in the first place. We had relaxed into a laying position, max laying next to me propped up on his elbow so he could look down at me while he popped marshmallows in my mouth every once in a while in between topics.

"So why did you wait over three months Emmy?"
"I don't know, I didn't want to jump straight in after William, especially as he'd been so good about it all, it didn't seem right even though he was the one that left. You were in the hospital for a large chunk of it anyway! I thought it would be weird trying to sort it out while you were in hospital, with no privacy and we were both jacked up on pain killers. I tried but there was zero privacy in that place, I kept getting interupted. so I decided to wait until you came home and then I don't know I just let myself get inside my head I guess I started to doubt everything. I missed him." I confessed honestly
"And now?"
"Now, I'm scared I'm gonna screw this up, that matty..."
"It's going to be ok Emmy, I promise I'm going to do everything I can to convince him and show him I love you, that I'm serious about this, that I'm not going to hurt you." I pulled him down to me, kissing him, I could feel him smiling happily into the kiss. He pulled away putting a large marshmallow in his teeth making me bite a chunk of it off making us both laugh.

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