43. Don't give up on me

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Christmas, a strange time of year in this house. We all went to see our parents, except Tom and I. Ralph and Sandra coming over. Jem was a little upset that Peter wasn't able to join us like she and he had hoped. Max was a mess in the run up, after the incident with Milo's girlfriend he was even more over protective. He kept asking for our dating advice, even me, he wanted his first Christmas with his girlfriend to be perfect. He had so many good ideas but he would struggle to see them through, either forgetting or not being organised to see things through. He'd had an argument with his parents because they wanted him and Jem to spend Christmas with them and he'd said no but they would go over. He refused point blank to go without a Jem, I know she was feeling guilty, she knew I'd be upset if she wasn't here and she didn't want to spend the day with Max's parents and not me anyway but she also wanted to make max happy and his life easier.

Jackie had found out he was off meds by choice and had been on his back constantly to go back on them. He'd already had a cry up this morning because he'd forgotten to go pick up something yesterday and had also jerked his arm whacking Jem in the night. She told me to keep my mouth shut when I found her covering a small black eye with make up. I was impressed with myself that I hadn't jumped to conclusions or flown off the handle at him. When he came and found me in tears to explain and apologise, not knowing I already knew, it broke my heart. He was beyond mortified despite it being an accident.

I was surprised when Henry's car pulled up outside and Jem stepped out with out Max in tow, Jem walked up to the house waving at henry when he drove away. I saw her take a large breath wiping her eyes dry before opening the door.
"Stay calm and don't jump to conclusions Matty" Ralph squished my shoulders, I nodded taking a large breath myself "I'm proud of you boy, whatever's happened remember, support her don't fight her battles for her, I know it's hard."
"Hey Jem" I smiled when she sadly walked in hooking her keys up "where's weaver?"
"At his mum's"
"Something happen?" I asked perching on the kitchen table trying to act casual
"They were arguing" she mumbled not looking at me "he told me to leave"
"You wanna talk about it?"
"She thinks I'm dragging him down". She mumbled quietly "she thinks I told him not to go back on meds. I think. I'm not sure"
"You overheard them?" She nodded "then I'm sure you just heard half a conversation out of context. He coming back or staying there?"
"Don't know. Henry drove me back. Matty?" She asked shuffling her feet, I held my hand out for her and she shuffled over "I love my goofball"
"I know" I giggled squeezing her tightly "we all love him, even jackie."

"He probably didn't want you in the middle of an argument." Ralph chipped in
"That's what Henry said" she nodded and sighed "can you do me a desecrate favour Matty?"
"Sure, what do you need?"
"He forgot to wrap the presents under the bed. He had a mini melt down over it on the drive over. He clipped a parked car. Jackie took his car keys and was refusing to give them back to him. It was only a small scrape and a bird flew at his wind screen! He couldn't help it."
"Right so you want me to do what exactly? other than not kick off at him for not paying attention while you're in the car with him?"
"He was paying attention! the crazy bird flew right at him! There was a bird shaped splat on the window! Can you wrap his presents and pretend you didn't and I don't know? He doesn't know I twigged that's what he got worried over."
"Sure, I'll cover for him and act surprised when I open my presents. Say I found them when you asked me to check that creaky floor board, which by the way is all sorted sis."

"You want me to do it Matty?" Laura asked, they had been first to return from Ed's parents "just incase they're not big brother appropriate gifts?" She laughed
"Actually, good idea, I think I know what one of them is so yeah" Jem laughed nodding "he put them all in bags with the boys names on, he half organised himself. I think he wrapped some then got distracted."
"No worries girlfriend, I'm on it, I'm no good in a kitchen, I already burnt Ed's Christmas Day breakfast in bed" Laura laughed going upstairs "Em! The doors locked, you got your key?" She called down

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