41. Little sister reporting for duty

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I held Levi, nuzzling into him trying to calm down, my brother and the boys waiting patiently for me to be ready to communicate. Standing guard by the door so I couldn't escape.
"You wanna tell me what this about?" Matty asked patting my knee "she upset you?"
"Em, he'll finish with her once he finds out. He doesn't have the same opinions, you know that." Laura spoke quietly "Em you know that, I'm sure he don't know, he would have dropped her already if he did. Or Matty would have made him, fuck that all the boys would. You know that. I promise you he doesn't know."
"Lor? Babe?" Ed asked confused joining Matty on the coffee table to sit opposite us.
"We got two issues going on. I was going to speak to you tonight Ed but then this second thing popped up."
"Popped up?" Ed asked confused

"Does he love her Matty?" I asked not looking up from Levi
"He answered that Jem."
"He might be lying! Men lie all the time!"
"I think give it a few more weeks he might be there, is that what you want to know? But not if there's an issue. You know the boys are like me, they got to get past you first, which she clearly hasn't. It's why Tina didn't get a third bloody date. You couldn't stand her so I ditched her."

I sniffled trying my best not to cry, I rocked myself for comfort, holding Levi tighter
"Oh baby, it's okay, you worried he's gonna resent you because you don't like her. Or that he'll choose her over you? You're not going to loose him."
"Em, he'll break up with her because she's a bloody bitch, regardless of you." Laura said firmly "or I'll make Ed kick him in the nuts! I'm not hanging around with a small minded ignorant bitch! Not even for Ed! I think I know him pretty well, he won't stand for this."

"I'm gonna take Gigi home" milo popped his head in looking at me disappointedly, I looked away sadly
"Mate...." Matty tried get him to come in
"You can't attack people just because you don't like them Em!" Milo snapped "Matty I'll talk to her, hopefully she won't press charges!"
"I hardly touched her!" I spun around gasping, trying my best to stop crying.
"You yanked her hair!"
"Please, it's not even real hair" I tutted Laura biting her lip trying not to laugh
"Em I know you're upset but....I need to tell her why you behaved like that, do I have your permission?" milo asked quietly
"No! You bloody don't!" I stood up with Levi angrily, wiping my eyes furiously

"Matty, I've got to tell her something! Help me out here! She signed the gag order two months ago."
"That is true Jem" Matty rubbed my arm encouragingly "come on, stop crying and just talk to us."
"Milo can we go please!" Gigi huffed from the corridor
"I'm just checking on my sister, give me two secs."
"She's not your bloody sister! You gonna stand there and let her assault me!"
"Gigi please don't say that." Milo turned into the corridor "she's my sister, blood means nothing to us in this house, I've told you this, you just don't understand, shes my family. Please, just calm down, she's been through a lot. She's just upset."
"She won't care" i grumpily walked to the window

"I love you and I want this to work milo but I'm not going to be assaulted by a crazy bitch for no reason!"
"You love him!" I gasped loudly shoving Levi onto Max's arms stomping over "don't make me laugh"
"Excuse me!" Gigi sassed
"You said you hadn't gone there milo!"
"I haven't." Milo looked at me sternly
"No, he does love me but he won't say it until he gets your approval. Which is ridiculous."
"Gigi I never said that, I told you, I wasn't there yet ,that's all, nothing to do with my sister. That's in your head." Milo told her calmly

"Milo I need to speak with you" I told him firmly
"Okay. Let me take Gigi home then you and me...."
"No, you're not going anywhere with that bitch! You stay away from him!" I pointed at Gigi
"Get your hand out of my face!" Gigi slapped my hand away
"Oh you wanna take me on, come on then, bring it on bitch! Come at me hoe!" I shoved her, going to slap her, milo pulling me away.

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