12. More than friends

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"You know I still love you, yellow or not!" Max was telling me as I lay in his bed for the sixth night in a row.
"I'm glad you were there today, did Matty say anything?"
"I think he was a bit confused but it's Matty he couldn't put two and two together even if it was right in front of his face! He's thinks you're gay and are struggling to come out!" Max laughed quietly, I smiled and nodded "how you feeling? Your heart feeling ok, any pains anywhere?"
"I'm fine nurse max! I don't feel ill honest!"
"Promise you'll tell me the moment you do! Swear it Emmy!"
"I swear ok, I ate dinner didn't I"
"Yeah you did, I think we got this this time" he kissed me
"Careful max, my heart remember!" I giggled, he looked concerned "I was joking!"
"Not funny!" He scolded while smiling

"I heard you testing the waters with Matty earlier, you think you want to tell him? About us, I mean the extra stress of sneaking around can't be good? It is in his rules."
"Do you think maybe we should test it out on one of the other boys first maybe? Or do think that would piss Matty off even more?"
"Maybe we should tell them all together, Ed can hold Matty back to give me a head start to leg it!" He laughed and I swatted him. Having max next to me made me feel so much calmer maybe I should start by telling Matty that.

Max hovered over me kissing me while rubbing my cold body with his large warm hands. I really didn't feel that ill or skinny. A stone wasn't too bad. I kissed him back putting my small hands on his bare chest making him flinch from their coldness. I apologised and he laughed at me before returning to his mission to kiss the life out of me.
"Emmy?"He suddenly asked into my neck
"Yes drumsticks"
"I love you"
"I love you too max" I laughed at him telling me for the hundredth time tonight. "But be quiet! Or you'll get us busted!"

"I wanna tell him" he mumbled while he kissed my stomach.
"What now? It's the middle of the night!" He hovered back over me so his face was over mine. "Besides you'll still have to be quiet even if he's ok with us being an us, he's still not gonna want to hear you fucking his little sister! In fact I can tell you now he's not gonna be ok with you fucking me full stop, even if he approves of us."
"Emmy!" He protested "you make it sound so..."
"What?" I scrunched my face up
"I don't know...can't you just say sleeping together or something instead of fucking!"
"Besides I'm not fucking you while you're sick! Now make love to you, that I might do" he smirked at me
"When did you become so mushy max weaver!"
"You have that affect on me Jemima Miller." He grinned his goofy grin at me.

Max could tell I was pretty tired so we ended up snuggling up as we had every night this week which we both seemed contented with. He even fetched me from Matty's car last night when Laura randomly stayed over again, without warning and I retreated out of the house, max found me sleeping on Matty's back seat and carried me back inside.

I woke the next morning to max kissing my neck sweetly.
"Can we tell him Emmy?" Was the first thing he said to me
"Morning to you too!" I laughed rolling over to face him "what happened to waiting? it's only been a week."
"I'll wait if you want to Emmy, you know that but I just want to scoop you up and kiss you whenever I want. And I still think the extra stress of sneaking around isn't good for you. I Know you're brother, he'll be more pissed about the sneaking around behind his back than us being an us, so the longer we leave it the worse it will be. Plus I was thinking while I was waiting for you to wake up, maybe telling him while he's worried about you being sick might work in our advantage he's not gonna kick off at you while you're sick!"
"Max weaver! You devious little..." he laughed at me cutting me off with a kiss "Okay"
"Really!" He said excited and I nodded at him, his smile growing even wider.

"How do you want to do it?" I asked him, not sure myself
"Well we could just you know just be casual and act all lovey dovey, or we could make an announcement when there are witnesses so he can't kill me or...." max rambled while I giggled at him "or you could tell him one on one or I could, whatever you want Emmy you have final say." He continued excitedly, his enthusiasm was so adorable I couldn't stop smiling at him. I lay there thinking fiddling with his hair, trying to decide what would be best. I finally spoke after max just lay looking at me.
"First...before we tell him....go see where they all are" I said mischievously, max looked at me confused "if they're all outside prepping for the barbecue or running errands, you can put your music on loud and we can....." I hadn't finished before max was scrambling off the bed in his enthusiastic comedic fashion falling over his own feet, I'd never seen him move so fast. "Max wait! Put your sweats on!" I said reminding him he was butt naked, unashamedly taking in the view of Max's perfect butt.
"You're doing it again" he chuckled pulling up his sweat pants "stop looking at my butt!" He teased and I bit my lip flirtatiously at him
"I can't help it it's just so.....peachy" I bit my finger
"My eyes are up here miller, I'm not a piece of meat"
"No you're delicious eye candy. Told you back in London that I'd nibble on your battered sausage weaver."
Max laughed giving me a kiss then rushed off, we'd been flirty bantering with each other all week.

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