21. I'm gonna fix this

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"Tom I can't deal with this now" I complained when milo stepped back in with the three boys.
"They'll behave Em alright, or I will personally kick both of them out!" Tom pointed at them sternly
"Umm so what did they say?" Max asked ruffling his hair
"I'm still sick but I can go home once the drip is done and they've double checked the heart thingy again. I've got to avoid stress, I just laughed at them, they clearly haven't read my notes or met my crazy family" I tried to joke
I could see max looking at Matty pleading with his eyes for him to let him come over to me, Matty wasn't budging so max just stood there frustrated and on the edge of tears again. I could see his twitchy thumb he was trying to control by sticking it in his pocket like I'd seen him do a thousand times.
"For god sake max! Get your wiggly arse over here, don't make me get up!" I called over to him, he gave me a little smile that disappeared when he looked at Matty. "Matty, Max is going to kiss me so if you don't want to see it then turn around or wait outside!" My brother looked annoyed but was trying to keep his temper in check. Max walked over to me keeping one eye on Matty as he did.

Max leant in and kissed me tenderly, his twitchy thumb lightly tapping my cheek, making my heart monitor speed up.
"Oi max, you're making it beep faster dude!" Milo whined at him making us both laugh.
"You sure you're ok Emmy?"
"Not really, I'm not getting better fast enough max. what if I don't get better this time?"
"Hey you'll get there ok, I promise. If not I'm not going anywhere. I'm gonna look after you princess." Max reassured, giving me another kiss which lasted longer, milo slapped his arm
"Dude seriously!" He pointed at the monitor concerned, Tom and Ed laughed at milo, while Matty muttered under his breath. Max jolted his arm narrowly missing my head.
"Oi! You hurt her, you die!" Matty snapped at max who was clearly hurt turning away from us, pinning his arm down with his hand, with a pained expression on his face, struggling to keep his twitches in but desperately trying to.
"Hey, it's ok, I'm ok. You ok?" I rubbed his twitching shoulder
"You need to bloody control yourself, moron." Matty snuffed, max screwing his eyes tightly shut, Matty clearly hitting a raw nerve
"Either shut up or leave! you know he can't help it, don't be a dick!" I barked at him
"Hey remember what they said, no stress! Matty I've told you before not to go there with him." Tom warned him, I flopped back on to the bed annoyed. "Max it's ok mate, she's alright. Oh max." Tom sighed glaring at my brother "take a large breathe, loosen the grip dude or you're gonna hurt yourself, just let it out."

We got home and I decided to go to bed, max followed me up and I could hear Matty complaining loudly about it to the other boys downstairs.
"Max I think I should sleep in the floral room for now until it settles, is that ok?"
"It's not ok, because I know that's not what you really want and you hate sleeping in there regardless of me, but I understand."
"Max, will you stay with me until I fall asleep, or is that too much to ask?" I asked unsurely "I just want your face to be the last thing I see before I fall asleep, just in case I forget again." I nuzzled into his chest, he pulled me in for a hug.
"Emmy whatever you need ok, if you need me in the night then you know where I am, I'll leave my door wide open."
"Well hopefully I will" I laughed "Tom was telling me some of the crazy things I've been chatting about, I might end up trying to walk back to England or something! In fact actually take my phone for me in case I wake up and call poor William again, or Felix! I think I texted him?" Max laughed putting my phone in his jeans pocket then walked me into my room putting me to bed, sitting on the floor next my bed fiddling with my hair until I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning wandering around the house confused finding the boys in the kitchen. Max cottoned on that I was baffled again and pulled out his phone playing the video we had made yesterday. The other boys smiled as they listened in, I'm sure I even saw a small smile playing on Matty's lips but it soon disappeared.
"Max! you're my max!" I exclaimed flinging myself at him.
"Morning princess" he cooed pulling away slightly from my tight embrace so he could plant a quick kiss on my lips. "How's the head?"
"Bit fuzzy not too bad. Do we have any almonds?" I asked milo who nodded and fetched them with some marshmallow cereal.
"Why almonds?" Milo asked
"I was just thinking about some stuff, I think last night, but my time scales are a bit fuzzy so I don't really know" I shrugged
"And..."milo asked
"Nothing I just, Nothing." Max gave me a squeeze knowing it was something that was bothering me.

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