37. More competition

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We sat around completely confused, Max couldn't sit still, literally, he was pacing the room, twitching constantly. Peter eventually appeared holding the chopped up remains of Max's favourite shirt tossing it at him angrily.
"Matty, I'm taking her out, to get her something she's comfortable wearing to this party thing. She won't wear a swimsuit or bikini if there are people outside of the inner circle there."
"Yeah cool, I'll get you some money, treat her for me, she okay?"
"Yeah she's calmed down, she needs time away from this house and from him, Ed you think Laura would want to join us?"
"Oh Err, I can ask. Think she was working from home. You sure?" He asked Peter
"Yeah I'm sure, like I said, she likes her. She needs more friends close by. She just needs a little nudge."
"She'd love that, if they could be friends I mean" Ed grinned "yep she said she can meet you somewhere, I'll give you her number. Em keeps deleting it from her phone."

"Why she rip up my favourite shirt and pour cereal on my head?" Max whined at Peter "do you know? Did I do something?"
"Yeah ya did something" Peter replied clearly annoyed "heads up mate I might not be straight but I know girls don't like wearing clothes other girls you've fucked have worn. Flavia Winters ring a bell pal?"
"From universal sound?" Max asked even more confused "why.....oh shit"
"Yeah, exactly oh shit indeed. Not cool, bad enough you still wear it but to actually give it to Em and ask her to wear it because it turns you on, that's fucking low mate. She's not the jealous type but it's in her brain now so it's going to be very hard to get out."
"What is?" I asked
"The seed of doubt he planted in there by fucking her in the bed he fucked his other conquests in. that's a no go for her."
"Flavia, we dated for like two weeks on tour, when I was seventeen, remember? Then she dumped me to get back with their drummer, I was her rebound to make him jealous, stupid cow." Max huffed out annoyed "we were papped together going for coffee, she was wearing my shirt, this shirt, I didn't give it to her, she just picked it up off the floor and put it on, I think she was making sure Bennie saw her wearing it. She made me go where she knew we'd be spotted. I wear it all the time! Everyone knows it's mine. The fans wear replicas. Internet went into meltdown. God damn it."

"Oh Max you idiot" I shook my head "you actually asked Jem to wear the blasted thing?" He nodded telling me she looked cute in it. "Not the point mate, another girls worn that, a girl I'm presuming you slept with"
"Well yeah but.....it's my favourite shirt! We were only dating a couple of weeks! It's not a big deal, I wouldn't even call it dating! It's not a big deal!"
"It is to her and that's all that counts"
"But she's still got stuff from William!"
"So?" Peter scrunched his face angrily "did she keep his shirt and ask you to wear it? Does she walk around wearing his clothes? She even let you throw out her sexy underwear because he'd seen her in it! And she didn't wear it for you for that exact reason! Yeah she tells me everything pal."
"What I haven't seen her wear them, I threw them out!"

"Why's the bed a big thing?" Ed asked "just curious."
"Think about it, to you it's just a bed. To her, it's a safe place, or at least it's meant to be, Matty made it their safe space when she was still a baby. That scumbag ruined that for her, she's petrified of sleeping in beds most of the time. Bad things happen to her when beds are involved. You know what it's like to be dragged to you mums bed and be violated while laying on top of your own mothers....scent." He softened his words for my benefit "he'd bring back escorts, fuck them in Matty's bed, They'd fuck off and he'd well I'm sure you can imagine. My bed, Felix's bed, they were safe spaces, only ever her in them, just for her, no one else. We made her feel special. We made her feel safe. A bed for her, it's not just a thing to fuck her or anyone else in! It's somewhere to be loved, like Matty loved her and took care of her. It's got nothing to do with sex. Fucking her in a bed you've shared with other girls, not even sex, just having them in there, have her wear clothes they've worn, she's nothing special to you, not in her mind now, she's just another notch mate. Just like every other guy that's fucked her apart from posh boy!"
"Your bed?" Max asked
"I know what you were doing last night before he pinned you to a wall, was doing it a long time before you my friend."

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