35. Dirty little secret

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We'd just been served our food when max texted me, I was surprised to hear from him, I'd not been checking up on him purposefully, trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, Tom and milo encouraging me, Ed had left to go over to Laura's.

I hope you're fucking happy, she's really upset! Can you try and put her first and not be a total dick in future!

"Something wrong?" Milo asked with a cheek full of sweet potato fries
"Not sure" I shook my head "she's still upset, he's upset, I think I ruined date night, I didn't even say anything that bad!"
"Don't go hulk on us but I don't think she's okay Matty" Tom fiddled with his fork
"Well I know that"
"No I mean, I'm not sure normal rules are ever going to apply to her. Particularly in relationships. Bringing up his ex, I don't think....she's never had anything that's just hers, that monster stole her virginity, max got to gave his away willingly to someone that wasn't her. Maybe she feels threatened by that or ashamed or that somehow she's not good enough for him, I don't know I just think.....maybe she doesn't know how to handle a normal relationship. Throwing his ex's in her face like that, even jokingly, isn't going to help her, she's insecure underneath all the f bombs and kookiness. She don't show it often but it's there Matty, it's all a front. She's the complete opposite of cara."

"Which is a good thing!"
"I know Matty but maybe she don't know that. He lost his virginity to her, stupidly if you ask me. He would have been better off loosing it to a one night bloody stand rather than cara. You know if you can handle max or not after a week of knowing him, she strung him along and he still struggles with that. He still blames himself, unfairly, he shouldn't do Matty but he does. He says she's a nice girl. She was a bitch to him and he don't see it. Some of his other conquests have been drop dead gorgeous Matty."
"They're not a patch on my sister dude. She's gorgeous."
"She won't see it like that" milo mumbled, chewing his steak "all our ex's are out there in the public domain, she's not got to look far Matty to see photos of them together. I'm sure she's looked. That boy is head over heals in love with our sister. I've never seen him like this. She loved William but she wasn't like she is with max. They have an undeniable connection on a deep level Matt. They are both not easy people to date are they but they are good together, more than good."

I've cancelled our date night it's a complete disaster. Hope you choke on your steak you prick

"Eat up so we can go back" I sighed
"Give them space Matty. Give him a chance to figure it out for himself." Milo complained "if we keep stepping in he's not going to learn, like Ralph said."
"He's been trying to impress me for months and now he's calling me a prick and hoping I choke on my steak! somethings obviously very wrong."
We finished our meal quickly and headed straight back home, when we walked back in max was sat watching the TV by himself, I couldn't hear crying anywhere but she wasn't sat with him, maybe she was in the bathroom.

"Alright mate how was your romantic evening with your Mrs?" Milo plonked next to him
"Over before it even started" Max didn't look up
"What happened?"
"No idea."
"Mate I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset her before we left." I apologised genuinely
"Well you did, you got your own way, she's in your bed asleep not talking to me, so congratulations Matty."
"Mate how did this escalate to her sleeping in my bed and not talking to you? It's still early why she gone to bed?"
"Because she's fucking upset!"
"But why?"
"I don't.bloody.know!" He argued back

"Right, talk to us, explain everything." Tom patted his knee
"He'll just kick off" max crossed his arms
"Why what did you do?" I snapped harshly
"I Haven't done anything! It's you,worming your way into her head as per usual, making her think things. Turning her against me. I think she's breaking up with me. So you win! I hope you're happy."
"Right, explain, Matty if you feel uncomfortable, don't get irate, just leave the room, agreed?" I nodded and took a seat while max explained his eventful evening to us.

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