54. beanbob

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2 month time skip because I can and I willllll

Jane POV
Cathy sets her hand on my stomach and I look at her. "Are you going to do this every morning?" I ask and she nods, Cathy has in fact given up coffee which was very surprising. Cathy whines,

"I can smell the coffeeeeee." Cathy says and I giggle, "are we going to tell everyone today?" Cathy asks and I nod,

"We have to tell Edward first because if we don't he'll throw a fit. And just so you know one thing he will say is 'if it's a boy you have to name it Edward!'" I say and Cathy giggles,

"I think that's a nice name," Cathy whispers and I kiss her head. She looks at me and smiles, Kat opens the door and Cathy pulls my shirt down quickly.

"I had a bad dream," Kat says and she rubs her eyes and sits at the end of the bed.

"What about?"

"Axes and swords and beautiful dresses and then bada bing bada boom my head was on a block and I was dead." Kat says and I sigh,

"How many times have you had that dream?" I ask,

"Like 20 times since I was 10," Kat says and I nod. "I feel like I'm third wheeling everywhere I go!" Kat exclaims and lays down, I giggle and she looks at me, "I am the only one who's not dating anyone." Kat says,

"The only one without a girlfriend," Cathy whispers and Kat smiles a little, "oooo there's a smile. Who's the crush?" Cathy asks and Kat shakes her head,

"No one." Kat says and I sit up and poke her stomach,

"C'mon, that smile said crush." I say and she giggles and pushes my hand away, "oh god." I whisper and stand up and run into the bathroom.

10 minutes later
Cathy kisses my cheek. "Morning sickness is the worst," I whisper and Cathy smiles.

"I know." Cathy pulls my shirt up so she could see my stomach. "Hi beanbob."


"Well I called Mae bean and I can't call this baby bean so this one gets beanbob." Cathy says and I giggle, she kisses my stomach and I laugh. "Excited to tell everyone?" Cathy asks and I nod,

"How much you wanna bet that Anne's gonna cry?" I ask and Cathy smiles,

"A kiss." Cathy says and I smile,

"We talking candy or an actual kiss?" I ask and she sets her hand on my stomach,

"Both." She says and I smile,

"Deal." I say and I walk out of the bathroom pulling my shirt down again, "love you."

"Love you too." Cathy says and I smile.

2 hours later
I go to walk out but Cathy grabs my hand, "excuse me I didn't even get to see the bump." Cathy says and I laugh,

"You've seen it like 20 times today." I say and Cathy shakes her head, I roll my eyes and turn to the side. Cathy squeals, "it's not even that big Cathy." I say and Cathy glares,

"Shush." Cathy says and I giggle and walk out, "I love you!" Cathy exclaims and I laugh and walk downstairs.

"Anne. This movie isn't even sad! It's Toy Story!" Millie exclaims and Anne wipes away a tear,

"Doesn't mean I'm not gonna cry over it." Anne says and I laugh, "hi Mom." Anne says and I wave,

"Ready to go?" I ask and Kat runs downstairs,

"I found Maes stuffed animal!" Kat exclaims and I laugh,

"The dinosaur?" I ask and she nods,

"The dinosaurs name is Rexi thank you very much." Mae says taking it out of Kats hand, "and he's very special." Mae says and holds him,

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