Knight Bus

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Rosabella's Point Of View:
The silence lasted for what seemed like hours. No one knowing what to say.
" he was a traitor." I said, hatred consuming my every word.
"If it wasn't for him Harry wouldn't be an orphan and wouldn't live with those horrible people!" I said my voice raising as my anger grew.

Remus looked at me solemnly. He nodded his head.

Lucas started rubbing my arm trying to comfort and calm me down. I could feel the tears in my eyes and I felt them beginning to leak out of my eyes.

I buried my head in Lucas chest wishing I could forget what I knew. I valued my friends as much as I valued my family. My friends were like my family. My father betrayed his best friend, his brother for . . . for what?!?!
How could I look Harry in the eyes again? How could I even face him again? How do I tell him? Should I tell him? Will he hate me? Will he want nothing to do with me? Too many questions were going around in my head.

I got up from the table and said I was going to my room. They let me go without a fight. They all locked themselves away when they found out I just never knew why while they were doing it. Its a lot to process. I reached my bedroom and shut the door.

 I reached my bedroom and shut the door

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I sat on the chair in the corner. My thoughts were all over the place. I couldn't accept what I had been told. I never gave my father much thought. The man was a stranger to me. I've never even said a word to him. He was arrested before I could even talk. But now he consumed my every thought. The way he was laughing, the glint of madness in his eyes. His chalky complexion. Souless eyes. He terrified me. I couldn't help but dread what he would do next.

Before I knew it darkness had fallen. I had spent the day in the music room to try and get my mind off my worthless excuse for a father. I tried to write a new song, a new verse, anything just to keep my mind busy. But Sirius Black would not be forgotten so easily. I didnt see Michael for the rest of the day but Lucas, Jason, Jacob and Remus had all tried to talk to me and I told them all the same thing. That I didnt want to talk about it and I just wanted to be alone.

They didnt press me too hard, knowing when and if I want to talk about it, I'd come to them. They knew I had to come to terms with it in my own. They went to go check on Michael after having checked on me. I gave up on writing a new song and I returned to my room.

Not wanting to stay in the house for another minute I grabbed my Nimbus 2000 and with the cover of darkness I flew out my window. I didn't know where I was going. I was just flying around trying to lose myself in the relief and freedom that flying usually gave me. It wasn't enough to make me forget, not even temporarily. I think I had been flying for about half an hour when I realised I wasnt far from Harry's. I landed a couple of streets away from Privet Drive. I was debating whether or not to go see Harry. What would I say if I saw him? Would I break down? Would I tell him?

I didn't need to make a decision because across the street was none other then Harry himself pulling his trunk and carrying his owl cage that was empty. He had an angry yet anxious look on his face.
"Harry!" I shouted, as I ran across the street towards him.
"Ro, what are you doing here?" He asked, as I pulled him into a hug.

Rosabella Black |Daughter Of Sirius Black| (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now