Snape's Grudge

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Rosabella's Point Of View:
No one in Gryffindor Tower slept that night. We knew the castle was being searched again, and the whole house stayed awake in the common room, waiting to hear if Black had been caught. My brothers and I had little hope that he would be. Black never seems to stop surprising anyone. I sat on a couch in the common room next to Lucas. I lay my head on his shoulder. My other brothers sat around me. I kept my eyes on Harry. Black probably got the wrong bed and had hoped to get Harry. McGonagall came back at dawn and told us he has escaped again.

Everywhere we went the next day we saw signs of tighter security. We saw Professor Flitwhick could be seen teaching the front doors to recognise Sirius Black. Flinch was suddenly bustling up and down the corridors, boarding up everything from tiny cracks in the walls to mouse holes. I rolled my eyes. Like that's gonna help. Sir Cadogan had been sacked and moved back to the lonely seventh floor. The Fat Lady was back. She had been restored expertly but was still very nervous and only agreed to go back to her job if she was given protection. A bunch of security guards had been hired to gaurd her.

I spent most my time researching for Hagrid so Hermione didn't have to worry about it on top of all her work. The time I did spend with Harry and Ron I noticed for once Ron was getting more attention then Harry. And he would tell the story to anyone who would listen. Harry told me it was getting more exaggerated each time he told it.
Neville was in total disgrace. McGonagall was so furious with him she had banned him from all future Hogsmeade visits, got detention and forbid anyone to tell him the password into the Tower. Poor Neville was forced to wait outside the common room every night till someone let him in.

However, his worst punishment was a Howler from his grandmother. The worst thing a Hogwarts student could get. Ron and I both got one last year when we flew a car to school with Harry. Remus was not happy about that. When the howler arrived I advised Neville to run for it he only just got to the Entrance Hall when it exploded and started yelling.

Harry also got a note from Hagrid asking him and Ron to come see him. I didn't go because with homework, researching for Hagrid and quiditch practice, I was barely keeping up. I also kept Hermione company. We didn't talk much cause she was so busy but I could tell she appreciated it.

At nine o'clock in the evening we returned to the common room. We got there a little bit before Ron and Harry.
"Hogsmeade next weekend! What do you reckon?" Ron asked Harry quitely but Hermione and I could still hear.
"Well Flinch hasn't done anything about that passage to Honkeydonks . . ." Harry replied even more quitely.
"Can you believe this?" Hermione said to me in disbelief.

She didn't give me time to answer and she rounded on Harry and Ron. Oh, here we go.
"Harry, if you go into Hogsmeade again . . . I'll tell Professor McGonagall about that map." Hermione threatened but I could tell she was reluctant.

She hated to do it but she was looking out for them. For Harry. Hermione was the sensible one. Ron and Harry sat next to me.
"Can you hear someone talking, Harry?" Ron growled, not looking at Hermione.
"Ron, how can you let him go with you? After what Sirius Black nearly did to you! I mean it, I'll tell -" Hermione said in disbelief till she was cut off by a redhead prat.
"So now your trying to get Harry expelled! Haven't you done enough damage this year?" Ron said furiously.

Hermione opened her mouth to respond but Crookshanks jumped onto her lap. She took a frightened look at Ron's expression and gathered her books and Crookshanks and fled to the girls dormitory.

I was fuming.

I've had enough of this. I got up and slapped Ron across the face.
"You are a complete prat, Ronald Weasley! Get a grip! It's a rat! A rat that was dieing! I'm sorry, I really am sorry about what happened! But stop taking it out on, Hermione! She's at a braking point and she's got enough to stress about!" I sreamed at him and followed Hermione up to the girl dormitory.

Rosabella Black |Daughter Of Sirius Black| (Book 3)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum