Firebolts And The Mysterious Locket

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Rosabella's Point Of View:
When Harry returned he looked better, but still severely down.
"Let's go visit Hagrid. We haven't been for ages." I suggested, trying to get his mind off my father.
"Yeah, let's go. Then I can ask him why he didn't tell me about Black when he told me about my parents." Harry replied curtly.

My eyes widened. This wasn't what I had in mind.
"Or we could play chess." Ron said quickly.
"No let's go." Harry replied in a dead sort if voice.
"Harry, you shouldn't leave the cast–" Hermione said but I cut her off.
"Hermione, he cant be locked up for the rest of his life cause it seems the Ministry aren't capable of catching Black." I said to her.

She looked hesitant and then nodded. We grabbed our cloaks. Lucas waved goodbye to us. He and Fiona were sitting quite cozyly together again. Lucas's arm resting on the back of her chair, slowly inching it closer so he could put it around her shoulders.
"Oh just kiss her already! Its obvious you both fancy each other. Get on with it!" I shouted at him as we left.

When we got to Hagrids we found him in tears. We soon found out why. Buckbeak has to go to a hearing over what happened to Malfoy.
"Hagrid, dont worry! We'll help you. We'll research and help you make a strong defence." I insisted.

Hagrid then proceeded to tell us his other problems. I couldn't think of what to say. Hagrid's lessons had got boring since the first lesson was so good. I looked at the others for help.
"Uh, shall I make a cup tea?" Ron said.

We all just stared at him.
"Its what mum does when someone is upset." He said defensively.

After many reassurances we left Hagrid feeling better. Though the visit was far from fun it worked to get Harry's mind off Sirius. We then spent the days leading up to Christmas researching cases to help Hagrid.

It was Christmas morning and I was woken up by someone jumping on me.
"Get up Ro! Presents!" Hermione squealed and went to open her pile of presents.

Winter had looked up, alert, when Hermione squealed but when she had found no danger, she settled down again. I scratched her head and she licked my hand. She was fully grown now. I'm sure of it. We both barely fit on my bed.

I started to open my presents

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I started to open my presents. I got prank supplies and sweets from Jason and Jacob. Michael got me a book on some of the most complicated chaser moves that I was sure with enough practice the twins and I could pull off.

Lucas got me a broom self care kit. That will be useful when I get a new broom. Mrs Weasley gave me a Weasley jumper and some homemade mince pies. God bless Mrs Weasley. Harry got me a book on pranks with a note saying:
"I'm giving this to you and hope you thank me by not doing any of it to me. PLEASE!"

Rosabella Black |Daughter Of Sirius Black| (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now