The Boggart In The Wardrobe

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Rosabella's Point Of View:
The Slytherins and Gryffindors made their way back up to the castle. The Slytherins were complaining about Hagrid.

"They should sack him right away." Pansy Parkinson said.

She was in tears.

"It's Malfoy's fault. He should have listened." Dean replied angrily.

"I'm going to go see if he's okay!" Pansy said and rushed off towards the hospital wing.

We all headed back to our common rooms.

"Can you explain now?" Harry asked.

I nodded.

I told them about my conversation with McGonagall. They all looked excited.

"Maybe we can too!" Ron said enthusiastically.

I pulled the book out and found the chapter about Animagus'. I put it in front of all of us, and we all read the chapter:

The process of becoming an Animagus is long and arduous, and has the potential to backfire and cause the transformation to go horribly wrong. Many witches and wizards simply feel that their time might better be employed in other ways, as the skill is limited in practical use unless one has a great need of disguise or concealmet.

Part of the process by which one become an Animagus was holding the leaf of a mandrake in their mouth for an entire month, using the leaf for the creation of a potion, reciting an incantation Amato Animo Animato Animagus on a daily basis, and drinking the Animagus potin during a lightning storm.

Because an Animagus can transform at their will at any time, no one person has to brew this potion more than once.
The Animagus potion cannot be bought from someone else, as brewing it involves including a piece of one's own hair and a Mandrake Leaf soaked in the mouth of the person who is intended to drink it.

The potion is completely blood-red in colour. One batch makes approximately a mouthful and only holds enough for one person.

Almost every ingredient involved in brewing the Animagus potion involves careful preparation. For example, the Mandrake leaf must be soaked in the drinker's mouth for an entire month without pause, and the dew must be taken from a place previously untouched by sunlight or humans for at least seven days. Overall, at least a month of preparation is required.

1) Place the now-soaked Mandrake leaf in a small crystal phial where it is struck directly by the light given off by the moon (if the night is cloudy or the moon is otherwise obscured, the entire Mandrake Leaf process will need to be repeated).

2) Add one strand of hair to the phial.

3) Add a teaspoon of dew to the phial.

4) Add one Death's Head Hawk Moth chrysalis to the phial and place the mixture in a dark, undisturbed place until the next lightning storm

If executed correctly, the potion will turn blood-red at the instant lightning first strikes during the next lightning storm, signifying its completion.

We all looked at each other with shocked expressions. I've never seen or heard of a more complicated piece of magic. Is it bad that I was even more excited now?

"I know that look, Ro. You're still going do it aren't you? Especially if there's a chance of something going 'horribly wrong'." Harry said, giving me a defeated look.

I just grinned back. He already knew the answer.

"Your mental. It hardly seems worth it. Sure it's cool but really, Ro? Your good, Ro, really good but are you that good?" Ron asked concerned.

"Professor McGonagall is going to be there to advise me and it seems that the things that could go wrong are circumstantial. Like cloudy on a full moon and waiting for a lightning storm. If you ask me the most challenging part is the Mandrake leaf." I replied to them.

"Ro's right. She's more then capable to do this. Ro, just promise me you'll be careful." Hermione said softly.

"I'll be careful. It may surprise you but I dont want to end up half human, half animal for the rest of my life." I said to all of them.

Rosabella Black |Daughter Of Sirius Black| (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now