Helping Harry

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Rosabella's Point Of View:
He hates me! He hates me!

That was all I could think as we chased after Harry. We found him sitting on a rock not far from the Shrieking Shack.
"How long did you know, Ro?" Harry asked.

His voice was void. Emotionless.
"Since . . . since the night you ran away from your aunt and uncle." I replied as tears started to form in my eyes.
"Harry, I am so sorry. I shouldn't of kept this from you. I tried to tell you. For weeks I wanted too. I'm so sorry, Harry. For everything. Everything he did. I'm so sorry. " I rushed out, sadness and regret coloured my voice as I felt tears start to fall from my eyes.

It was the first time that I had ever cried in front of them. I did nothing to stop them and let them fall freely. I should of tried harder to tell him.

Harry looked at me. His eyes first held anger, no rage, then they softened. He got up and walked towards me. When he was right in front of me he looked into my silver grey eyes. I started into his emmerdale green ones. He then pulled me into a hug. A tight one. I returned it instantly and I started to sob into his shoulder.
"You . . . you don't . . . you dont hate me?" I asked, struggling to get the words out through my sobs.
"Never." Harry whispered in my ear.

I let out a shakey breath of relief.

"Every word the teachers said about you is true. No matter what your father did, it has nothing to do with you. Besides you tried to tell me." Harry said softly.

We just stood there, I dont know how long for, holding each other. I then realised the sun would start to set soon and Harry wasn't allowed in Hogsmeade. We need to go.
"If we want to make it back to the castle in time we need to go." I said softly.

I had now stopped crying. I think I had run out of tears.
"Let's go." Harry agreed.

His voice was emotionless again. Hermione and Ron had stayed back while I talked to Harry. The way back to Hogwarts seemed much quicker then the way here. Harry didn't speak. He was filled with rage.

Throughout dinner no one said a word. Lucas and Fiona walked into together and were standing very close. There not in a relationship yet. I've seen what Lucas is like in relationships. He's very affectionate. Whenever I saw him with a girl he was dating they were always touching. Hopefully it wont be long now. Seamus noticed them too. We both looked at each other and grinned. I looked towards Lucas and Fiona. He was with his friends Ben and Will. They were grinning to each other as they looked between Lucas and Fiona. They were sitting so close they were nearly touching. Lucas was smiling so much it made me smile. He looked so happy. I just wish I could think of a way to make Harry that happy. He hadn't touched his food.
"Harry James Potter! If you don't eat at least one plate off food, so help me I will shove the whole feast down your throat." I whispered at him furiously.

He looked shocked for a second. He then just glared at me. Oh how cute. He thinks he can out glare me. Please I won a staring match against Snape. This challenge is child's play.

I gave him my signature death glare. He only lasted a minute before he started eating. I stopped glaring but I didn't leave him alone till he finished a plate.
"Thankyou." I said innocently, as if I hadn't just threatened to shove a whole feast down his throat.

Harry rolled his eyes and I could see the corners of his mouth twitching. I looked at Hermione, about to start a conversation but she was looking between Harry and I as if she was making mental notes.

Okay . . .

When we got to the common room, my twin brothers and the Weasley twins had set off half a dozen dung bombs to celebrate the start of Christmas term. Harry rushed to his dormitory without saying a word.
"Is Harry okay?" Lucas asked from behind me.
"No." I replied, flatly.

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