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Rosabella's Point Of View:
I was woken up by Hermione shaking me.
"What Hermione?" I said sleepily.
"Your brothers are trying desperately to get to you. Where did you go? You just disappeared, when they realised they stopped arguing and all left to go find you. They only stopped when they all got caught by Filch and McGonagall, multiple times. They all have detentions for a week." Hermione explained.

She sounded so depressed. I sat up.
"What's wrong, Hermione? You look so deflated." I asked kindly.

She looked at me shocked.
"Your not mad?" Hermione asked shocked.
"I hate that I don't have my firebolt. Believe me. But I know if the situations were reversed and I was concerned about something hurting you or any of the others I'd do the same. A broom isn't going to come between a friendship, Hermione. No matter how good a broom it is." I said to her, while pulling her into a hug.
"I'm glad you feel that way cause Harry and Ron aren't talking to me." She snifled, while she returned the hug.

I pulled back and raised my eyebrows at her. She looked so sad.

I got up and dressed. I stormed down the stairs, anger marked my face. I had been up all night and something tells me it's not even nine O'clock yet. I was in no mood for bull shit. When I reached the common room my brothers were about to shout at me.
"Shut up! I was taking care of Remus while you lot were at each others throats about bloody broomsticks. Yes, I love them but they're broom sticks. I was taking care of Remus most of the night, so all four of you back the hell off and why don't you try and resolve this conflict instead of focusing where I am every minute of every bloody day!" I snapped, glaring at all four of them.

They all had shocked expressions.

I then rounded on Ron and Harry. They took a couple of steps back as my anger got directed at them.
"As for you two, Hermione, did what she thought was best. And what she did makes sense. I'm not happy about it but I will not let a broomstick get between a friendship. I think the both of you need to have a good long think about what's more important. Friendship or a broom. I know my answer to that." I snapped at them.

I then left the common room and headed towards the library. Winter walked faithfully by my side as she did every day.

I continued my research on Winter. Hermione soon joined me and thanked me for being on her side and that she was sorry that my firebolt was taken. I assured it was fine. Hermoine researched cases to help Hagrid so I could try and figure out what Winter is. I had gone through pretty much all the creatures books there are but nothing even came close. The only creatures I hadn't researched was werewolves. I sighed frustrated.

I got werewolf books and started reading. The books mainly mad me angry with all the prejudiced in them. But them I finally found something.

There is the rare occasion that two werewolves mate during the full moon. This results in a litter of cubs being born. They are not werewolves but are just highly intelligent, beautiful and intuitive wolves. They do not seek out humans or attack unless provoked. However, this is a rare occurrence and has only happened twice in history.

I gaped at the book. That must be it. Winter fitted that description perfectly. I showed the book to Hermione. She agreed full heartedly that this is the only possibility. I let out a breath of relief. That mystery was solved. I looked at Winter and sadness over took me.
"Hermione, she's a wolf. She's not meant to be a pet. It's not right." I said, fighting tears.
"Ro, she's very happy with you-" Hermione tried to reason with me.
"Because I've had her from a puppy. She doesn't know any different. I'm going to go talk to Dumbledore." I said urgently, not giving her time to respond and talk me out of it.

Rosabella Black |Daughter Of Sirius Black| (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now