Diagon Alley

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Rosabella's Point Of View:
Harry and I went into Diagon Alley everyday during our stay at the Leaky Cauldron. Lucas being Lucas made my siblings, Harry and I all stay together at all times. The twins tried to sneak away but Lucas, who I swear has some kind of 360° awareness, grabbed them and pulled them back in front of him. The twins had identically annoyed faces. Harry, Michael and I started laughing.
"How does he do that?" Jason groaned.
"He's impossible to prank! It's like he can read minds." Jacob exclaimed.

The twins then shot him accusing looks. This just made Lucas laugh.
"Maybe I can, maybe I cant. You'll never know." Lucas replied.

The twins just rolled their eyes and we all started to laugh.

We'd been staying at the Leaky Cauldron for about 2 weeks and there was only one week left of the holidays, so we have run into quite a few hogwart students getting their school stuff. We ran into Neville, a fellow Gryffindor third year, the other day who was with his grandmother, who even I wouldn't dare cross, she looked so stern and strict. I dont think Harry will mention that he'd used Neville's name while preparing to run from the Minstry.

We also met Seamus and Dean, also fellow Gryffindors in third year, in the quiditch supply shop. All of us drooling at the sight of the new Fireblot. Harry and I returned everyday just to admire it. We both really wanted it but we both agreed that we had very good brooms already and there wasnt even a price for the Firebolt. There was no point emptying out my Gringots vault for something I didnt need.

It was now the last day of term and we hadn't run into Ron and Hermione yet or any other Weasley for that matter. We were both a bit disappointed but we would at least see them on the Hogwarts Express tomorrow. Harry and I were on our way to stare longingly at the Firebolt one more time when we heard a voice I would recognise anywhere.
"HARRY! RO! OVER HERE!" Hermione screamed.

They were at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. Harry, my brothers and I were there often. The man who owned it was very nice and helped us with our History of Magic homework, everyone apart from Lucas cause he wasnt taking it as a NEWT. He was a lot more interesting then Professor Binns. He also gave us free ice-cream sundays every half hour, how could I not like this guy?

Harry and I ran over to Ron and Hermione. Hermione and I squealed and hugged each other tightly. Hermione was my closet friend, she was like a sister to me. When Hermione and I finally released each other the guys were looking at us weirdly. I then flung my arms around Ron and hugged him too. Hermione did the same to Harry. They both awkwardly hugged us back. Hermione and I released them much to their relief and we sat down at the table. Hermione next to me and Ron and Harry sat opposite us.

Hermione was very brown from spending the summer in France and Ron looked a little darker from being in Egypt but not too tanned. We asked Ron about Egypt first. From what he told us it sounded awsome. Cursed tombs, skeletons, locking Percy in a tomb. It all sounds amazing. Hermione had fun in France aswell and was telling us about how much she'd learned and how she had rewrote her History of Magic homework three times and it was a lot longer then what Professor Binns asked for. I rolled my eyes. Classic Hermione.
But then the conversation turned to a subject I'd rather avoid.
"Ro we're sorry your dad got out. You must be terrified." Hermione said, while squeezing my hand reassuringly.
"Yeah, I dont know what I'd do. How are you handling it?" Ron said, while looking at me with pity.
"I'm fine, thanks. I just wonder what he's going to do next and how he bloody got out of Azkaban in the first place. But I've got Remus and my brothers and soon we'll be in Hogwarts. He cant reach me or my brothers there. So I'm trying not to think about it." I replied to them.

Rosabella Black |Daughter Of Sirius Black| (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now