Professor Trelawney's Prediction

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Rosabella's Point Of View:

The euphoria of winning the Quiditch Cup lasted for about a week. But as we went into June, revising for exams was all anyone was doing. Everyone was stressed. Even the usually care free Black and Weasley twins were seen revising. Percy, who was preparing to take his NEWTs, was getting increasingly edgy and started giving severe punishments for anyone who disturbed the quite of the common room.

Ron and Harry had given up on asking Hermione how she got to all her classes but they couldn't help it when they saw her exam timetable. I laughed at the confused and annoyed look on their faces when Hermione revealed nothing. I was curious too, but I didn't dwell on it. I preferred to focus on the mystery that is Padfoot. I still had no clue who he was. I didn't dare ask Remus. I didn't want to lose the locket.

We had Transfiguration, charms and I had Arithmancy all in one day. I'm pretty sure I passed with full marks.
When the trio and I heard when the appeal was and that it was happening at Hogwarts and they were bringing on executioner, we were outraged. They've already made their choice. Ron was outraged more then us because of all the research he did. I had to admit I was impressed. He really did dedicate himself to it. The appeal was on the day we finished our exams. The sixth of June. This made Draco Malfoy regain some of his old swagger, that had been in very short supply after we won the Quiditch Cup.

I hate Malfoy's.

We worked our way through our exams. On Thursday we were doing our second to last exam. Defence Against the Dark Arts. Remus made the best exam ever, an obstacle course. I went first and passed through everything successfully. I got full marks, so did Harry. Ron did well too until he reached the Hinky-punk. Hermione did it all perfectly until the Boggart. After a minute inside she burst out, screaming.
"Hermione! What's the matter?" Remus asked startled.
"P-P-Professor McGonagall, sh-she said I'd failed everything!" Hermione gasped.

It took a little bit of time to calm her down and when we did, the trio and I headed back up towards the castle. Ron and I were trying to suppress laughter at Hermione's Boggart. An arguement was avoided when we saw Cornelius Fudge.
"Hello there Harry! Just had an exam, I expect? Nearly finished?" Fudge said to Harry fondly.

Ron, Hermione and I stood a bit away. Not really being on speaking terms with the Minister.
"Yes." Harry replied
"Lovely day. Pity. I'm here on an unpleasant mission, Harry. The committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures required a witness to the execution of a mad Hippogriff. As I needed to visit Hogwarts anyway to check on the Black situation, I was asked to step in." Fudge said.
"Does that mean the appeals already happened?" I interrupted, stepping forward.
Fudge looked at me trying to hide his disdain.
"No, its scheduled for this afternoon." He replied.
"Then you might not have to witness an execution at all! The Hippogriff might get off!" Ron said stoutly.

Before Fudge could answer two ancient looking wizards came to join him. Ron was about to say something but I stamped on his toe. Fudge and the ancient wizards left.
"Why did you stop me? Did you see them? They've already got the axe ready! This isn't justice!" Ron said angrily, as we sat down for lunch.
"Ron, your dad works for the Ministry." I said, while giving him an 'isnt it obvious look'.
"You can't go saying things like that to his boss! As long as Hagrid keeps his head this time, and argues the case properly, they can't possibly execute Buckbeak. . ." Hermione said, but she also looked upset.

I could tell she didn't mean that she was saying. Hermione and mine's last exam was Ancient Runes, while Ron and Harry had Divination. We went our separate ways, freedom insight as we prepared for our last exam.

Rosabella Black |Daughter Of Sirius Black| (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now