Grim Defeat

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Rosabella's Point Of View:
No. He cant have gotten into the castle. No! How could he get into the castle? Harry! To my relief Harry was standing next to me. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. He looked at me. His face was shocked. He should be terrified. How is he so brave? He squeezed my hand back.

Dumbledore sent all the Gryffindors back to the Great Hall. We were soon joined by the other houses. Whispers and muttering filled the Great Hall. Gryffindors were telling the other houses about what happened. People gathered together and theorized how Sirius Black could have gotten into the castle. They were becoming more ridiculous by the minute. He probably used one of Voldemorts special tricks. My brothers and I were silent unlike the rest of the Hall.

Lucas was patrolling around the Hall with the other prefects and the Head Boy and Girl. Michael and I sat a little away from Jason and Jacob. Fred and George were trying to cheer us up. Winter sat by me protectively. My eyes never left Harry. I felt like if I even blinked he'd disappear.
"Ro, it's going to be alright." Michael whispered to me.
"He broke out of Azkaban. He broke into Hogwarts. Both should be impossible. He scares me more then Voldemort ever did. How is it going to be alright?" I whispered back, my voice was void of any emotion.

It was the first time I had admitted I was scared of our Father. Michael gave me a knowing look.
"I'm scared too, Ro. But I'm not as scared of him as I am of me becoming him." Michael said in a shakey voice.

This made me look away from Harry for the first time in two hours, giving Michael my undivided attention.
"What?" I whispered, shocked.

Michael sighed.
"I've . . . I've been having these dreams . . . ever since Rem told us he'd escaped. In . . . In the dream, I'm standing in a room. Its pitch black. The only thing I can see is him. He torments me. Insists that I'm like him and that we're alike in so many ways. A mirror then appears. I look into it and I see myself standing by his side . . . just a deranged as he is." Michael confessed still whispering.

He had an ashamed look on this face. We Black's dont like to show weakness. That's something we all have in common. Lucas is the worst for it.
"Mike, I've . . . I've been having them too. The only difference is I'm not in a pitch black room. I'm in a room with destroyed furniture. It looks abandoned and haunted." I replied, grabbing his hand and squeezing it.

We both looked at each other for awhile. Not knowing what to say.
"Ro, for him to be able to do the impossible, even after being in Azkaban for twelve years, he must be incredibly smart. His mind is as sharp as ever to be able to get in and out of the castle undetected. Now . . . every time I get an answer right or a good mark, the top mark, it makes me feel sick. Like I'm slowly becoming him. Between the two of us if anyones like him it's me." Michael said crestfallen, but he squeezed my hand reasuringly.
"No, Mike. If any of us is like him it's me. Knowing and being able to perform spells isn't the only important thing. Its creativness that allows you to use the spell effectively. When he killed all those people . . . it wasn't the spell itself that had the power to do that. It was how he used. He blew up a street. It would take a lot of creativness to brake out of Azkaban and into Hogwarts." I countered his statement.

We were still whispering. Michael, knowing I had a point, couldn't argue.
"Your nothing like him, Ro. I'm nothing like him." Michael said but he didn't look convinced.

I held out my pinky finger to him.
"Let's promise to not let each other go down that path. We stick together. Like we always have." I said determined.

Michael smiled at me genuinely and curled his pinky around mine. The promised was sealed. We hugged each other tightly. I lay my head on his shoulder and I resumed watching over Harry. Sirius Black would have to kill me first if he wants to even get near Harry.

Rosabella Black |Daughter Of Sirius Black| (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now