The Quiditch Final

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Rosabella's Point Of View:

When Remus told me it was all true I darted out of that awful room as fast as I could. I didn't know where I was running too. I ran past a shocked Ron and Winter, who was following Ron, then ran after me. I was heading for the Forbidden Forest when Hagrid stopped me. Tears were falling freely down my face. Hagrid also wasn't in the best spirits and looked like he had been crying. He insisted I come inside. I sat down at the table and Winter put her head in my lap. I wiped my eyes so I could support my friend.
"Whats wrong, Hagrid?" I asked as softly as I could through my hoarse voice.
"Yeh first, Ro. Your always there for me and you did all that research for me and stuff. Tell me what's wrong. I've never seen yeh cry before." Hagrid said concerned.

I told him all what Professor Snape had told me.
"Ro, I'm sorry I never told yeh but I didn't want it to burden yeh. Yeh're so young. I didn't want yeh to have to deal with that. Professor Snape was out of line. Ro, . . . I do see some of yeh father in yeh but I also see your mother in yeh as well. Honestly, we were all shocked at Blacks betrayal. None of us expected it. I still find it hard to believe. Ro, yeh're yeh own person. It doesn't matter who yeh father or mother were. If yeh dont want to be like them yeh dont have to. How yeh turn out is up to yeh. But I know yeh Ro. Yeh're one of the good ones. Ain't nothing gonna change that. Dont yeh think on it, Ro. Dont yeh think on it for one second." Hagrid said kindly to me.

I swallowed and calmed myself down. I smiled at him. Genuinely. I meant it. His words helped. And I knew he was right. I still hated how people saw my father in me. But I won't be like him. I'll die first.
"Thankyou, Hagrid. Truly. I feel better. Now let me help you. What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

Hagrid told me about how he lost the case. I was shocked. All this over Draco bloody Malfoy.
"There's still the appeal Hagrid. I'll do more research they can't excute him." I said determined.

Hagrid was about to respond but something stopped him.
"Professor Dumbledore, sir!" He exclaimed.

I spun round and saw Professor Dumbledore. He looked at me sadly.
"Evening, Hagrid. I was informed that Rosabella was here. Thankyou, Hagrid, for finding her. I believe she has had quite an ordeal. Your uncle, your brothers and your friends got quite concerned when you were not at dinner. They wanted to rush out to find you. I assured them that I would find you myself and take you back to the common room after I make sure you have something to eat." Dumbledore said kindly.
"Sorry, Professor Dumbledore, sir! I had no idea it was so late!" Hagrid said.
"No harm done. Have a nice evening, Hagrid. If you will follow me now, Rosabella." Dumbledore responded and then left the house.

I hugged Hagrid and then followed Dumbledore. Neither of us said a word as we went back to the castle. Winter walked by my side as usual, she kept licking my hand, trying to comfort me. Dumbledore led me to the kitchen's where there was a dozen house elves and four tables in under the house tables in the Great Hall.
"Huh. So that's how the food gets there." I observed as I studied the tables.

Dumbledore chuckled.
"Indeed, Rosabella." Dumbledore responded.

Dumbledore then politely asked the house elves for a meal for me. They were delighted and rushed to work. We both sat down at what would be the Gryffindor table.
"Rosabella, what you were told is unfortunately true. But not the whole truth. If you'll allow me, and if you want to hear it, I will tell you all I know of it." Dumbledore said.

I nodded.
"Very well. As you know, your uncle was friends with James Potter, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew. They were all so close. They were there for each other, no matter what. A bit like yourself and anyone who is fortunent to have your friendship. Your mother, however, was extremely close with Lily Evans, who later would be known as Lily Potter. Rosalie, at first, couldn't stand Sirius. Thought he was arrogant and cared about nothing but quiditch and pranks. But, then, she saw how incredibly loyal he was. And she came to be able to tolerate him in their second year. Be friend him in their third year. And go out with him in their forth year.

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