Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw

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Rosabella's Point Of View:
It looked to be the end of Hermione and Ron's friendship. Each was just as mad as the other. Hermione was insisted that he had no proof and suggests he look under all the boys beds. Personally, I believed Crookshanks had eaten Scabbers. Harry did too. And when we tried to point out to Hermione that all the evidence pointed that way, she got angry at us too.
"OK, side with Ron, I knew you would! First the Firebolts, now Scabbers, everything's my fault isn't it! Just leave me alone. I have a lot of work to do!" She said shrilly.

Ron was extremely miserable. Fred and George tried to cheer him up, but they're not the best when it comes to sensitive matters.
"Come on, Ron. Its just a rat. Your were always saying how useless he was." Fred said
"Fred!" Ginny yelled.
"Point is Ron, he looked dreadful. He was wasting away. It might be best that he snuffed it quickly. One swallow. He probably didn't feel anything-" George was saying but got cut off by Ginny.
"George!" She yelled again.
"He bit Goyle once . . . remember that Harry, Ro?" Ron said miserably.
"Yeah he did." Harry said.
"His finest moment." Fred said trying not to laugh.
"Let the scar on Goyle's finger stand as a lasting tribute to his memory. Oh, come on, Ron get yourself down to Hogsmeade and get a new rat. What's the point of moaning?" George said trying to keep a straight face.
"You both are terrible at comforting your siblings." Michael pointed out as he turned the page in his book..
"Oi!" They both shouted at a smirking Michael.

In a last attempt to cheer Ron up, we persuaded him to come to the teams final practice, and our first with the firebolts. This worked a little to get Ron's mind off Scabbers. We all set off the quiditch pitch and meet Oliver on the pitch. Madam Hooch was admiring the firebolts. Wood had to ask her to hand it back so we could practice.

The new plays my brothers and I have been practicing were even better on firebolts. It was good we all had the same brooms that were the same speed. It helped us work flawlessly together. Wood was furiously proud of us. The Weasley twins, who now had Nimbuses, were better as well. They dont need the best brooms to be unbeatable beaters but it did help non the less. Jason and Jacob had given the Weasley twins their old brooms when they got their firebolts back.

By the end of practice Wood didn't have a single criticism, which both sets of twins pointed out was a first. Wood then informed Harry that Cho Chang would be playing seeker, he insisted she was good. The rest of the team headed back to changing rooms, while Harry and I stayed out so Ron could have a go on a firebolt.

Madam Hooch had fallen asleep.

Harry gave Ron his firebolt and we both watched as he zoomed round with an expression of ecstasy on his face. Madam Hooch then woke up and yelled at us for not waking her. Harry and I shouldered our firebolts and headed back to the castle with Ron, Winter walked behind us. I was telling Ron and Harry about what I found out about Winter and what happened in the forest.
"Of course she'd stay with you, Ro. You give her freedom, love and you treat her better then some people treat their kids." Harry said as if it was obvious.
"I had to make sure. I didn't want her to feel obligated to me. At least now I know she wants to stay." I replied smiling.

Ron was about to respond but Harry suddenly stopped walking.
"What's the matter?" Ron said.

Harry then pointed his wand and said

It was just Crookshanks. Ron then complained about Crookshanks intill we got back to the common room.

The next morning Harry and I went down to breakfast with all the boys in Harry's dormitory, who seemed to think the Firebolts deserved a gaurd of honor. As we entered the Great Hall, heads turned to the direction of the Firebolts and there was excited muttering. Harry and I had the great pleasure of the Slytherins thunderstruck facial expressions.
     "Did you see his face? He can't believe it! This is brilliant!" Ron said gleefully, looking back at Malfoy.

Rosabella Black |Daughter Of Sirius Black| (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now