Marauders Map

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Rosabella's Point Of View:
I woke up as they were taking Harry and I to the Hospital Wing. As they put me on one of the beds they realised I was awake.
"Oh thank Merlin you're awake. Well, that makes on of you." Hermione said relived.

Harry was in the bed next to me. My head was pounding and the room was kind off blurry. I tried to sit up but a stabbing pain in my right arm stopped me. Madam Pompfrey examined Harry quickly.
"No major injuries. He'll just be a bit soar. Miss Black, broke his fall. It was those vial Dementors that made him fall and they're why he's still passed out." She said mostly to herself.

She then rushed over to me.
"You have a broken arm and a concussion it looks like, as your eyes can't focus." She said to me.

She whipped out her wand and pointed it at my arm.
"Episkey." She said.

I felt my a arm snap back into place. Most of the pain gone but it still stung.
"You never fail to amaze me, Madam Pomfrey." I smiled charmingly at her.
"Why thankyou for the flattery, Miss Black." She said rolling her eyes while heading back to her office.
"She falls over fifty feet and she can still charm the pants off you." Jason says in disbelief, beaming at me.

He looked like he was about to cry. Jacob expression mirrored Jason's. The whole team (except Oliver), Hermione, Ron, Lucas and Michael looked absolutely relieved.
"The match! What happened? Who won?" I asked looking around at them desperately.

They told me Hufflepuff won and explained what happened when I had rushed off to help Harry and how Dumbledore slowed down our fall.

Just as they finished explaining, Harry eyes were fluttering open. Harry then flew up into a sitting position, shocking everyone.
"What happened?" He asked urgently.
"Dementors came on to the pitch. They swarmed around you. Ro realised what was going on before anyone else did. Before we all even comprehend that the Dementors were on Hogwarts grounds, which there not supposed to be, Ro was already speeding off towards you. She was nearly there too. Then you fell. You were falling fast. Really fast. Ro didn't have time to react. You were falling towards her and you knocked into her, knocking her off her broom. You were both then falling very fast towards the ground. We thought you were both going to die! Dumbledore then did some sort of big spell that slowed down how fast you were falling. Ro, landed first and then you landed on top of her." Lucas explained trying very hard to stay calm.

But his posture said anything but calm.
Harry whipped round to look at me.
"Are you okay? What were you thinking? Why would you do that?" Harry said, drifting between gratitude and disbelief and even a little angry.
"I'm fine, Harry. And I was thinking about helping you. I didn't know if you would faint again. I just acted. And you would of done the same if there situations were reversed." I replied softly.

We both just looked at each other. I don't know for how long. Harry then sighed and smiled at me.
"Thankyou for coming to help me." Harry said sincerely.
"Always." I simply replied.

Harry then looked around as if he was looking for something.
"Did someone get our brooms?" Harry asked.

I looked at them curiously. I didn't even think about that. They all looked hesitant and sorrowful. They then explained how they had flown into the Whomping Willow. OF ALL THE TREES ON THE GROUND IT HAD TO BE THE WHOMPING WILLOW! They then showed us our destroyed Nimbuses. I was gutted and I could tell Harry was too.

When Madam Pompfrey came and kicked them all out, she made her way over to us. She then insisted we stay the weekend. We didn't protest. We did, however, stop her from throwing our Nimbuses away. I know it's silly but it feels like I've lost a friend. It was such a good broom. Winter stayed faithfully by my side, she only left when visitors arrived and she was never gone for long. She probably went for a run around the grounds.

Rosabella Black |Daughter Of Sirius Black| (Book 3)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang