Cat, Rat and Dog

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Rosabella's Point Of View:
My mind had gone blank with shock. We all stood there transfixed with horror. The very last ray's of the setting sun were casting a bloody light over the grounds. Then from behind us I heard a wild howling. Hagrid. I could here the trio arguing under the cloak. Harry wanted to go back to see Hagrid, but Ron dissuaded him. We set off again, all of us still horrified, Scabbers still sqeaking. Darkness had fallen now.
Ron was suddenly shouting.
"OUCH! He bit me! What's wrong with him?" Ron exclaimed.

I just saw why. Crookshanks was heading towards us.
"Crookshanks! No, go away Crookshanks! Go away!" Hermione moaned.

But the cat was getting nearer -
"Scabbers - NO!"

Scabbers broke out of Ron's grip and scampered away. Crookshanks sprang after him. Ron shot out from under the Invisibility Cloak and pelted away into the darkness.

Nothing is ever easy when were involved is it?

We sprinted after him. Ron had successfully got Scabbers back. We skidded to a halt in front of him. I shifted back to yell at Ron.
"Okay, you got him now get back under the cloak! The Minister - Dumbledore! Come on!" I hissed urgently.

But before they could cover themselves again, before we could catch our breath, we heard faint paws moving towards us. Winter and I were both standing still so it was clear it wasn't us. There was an enormous, eagle-eyed, jet black dog bounding towards us. Harry reached for his wand, but it was too late. The dog made an enormous leap and its front paws hit him on the chest making him fall down. The breath was knocked out of him.

I shifted to my Animagus form and tackled the dog off him. I stood protectively in front of Harry and Hermione.

I snarled at the dog. The dog looked at me, almost shocked. Our eyes met and something passed between us. I don't know where I knew this dog from but I did. I felt safe with it. I was getting a sense of deja vu from the dog. A deja vu from a long time ago that it almost seemed like a dream. Where had I seen it before?

At my distraction, the dog attacked again and knocked me down as it zoomed passed me and seized Ron's outstretched arm and was dragging Ron like he was a rag doll. Winter then charged after the dog while I was still dazed from being knocked down.
Crookshanks sprung at Winter, while she was focusing on the dog, stopping Winters pursuit with the surprise attack.
Harry grabbed the dogs hair but it didn't make a difference and he was knocked back. The dog was dragging Ron into the Whomping Willow. Oh for Merlins sake! I hate this tree! I ran passed Harry and Hermione, towards the dog and Ron. All we could see was Ron's foot. It was caught and stopped the dog from dragging him further, but not for long. A horrific crack cut through the air and Ron was pulled in. I was close behind and dashed after them while I heard Harry get knocked down again.

I ran as fast as I could after the dog. I wasn't far behind them. I could hear Ron screaming. I then entered a room that looked extremely familiar. I saw Ron laying on a torn up four poster bed.
"Ro - it's - it's him! Your dad he's an Animagus!" Ron exclaimed terrified, as he pointed behind me.

I spun round and saw someone I hoped I'd never meet. Sirius Black. My father.
I bared my teeth and snarled. I charged towards him. I only made it a couple of steps before he raised Ron's wand at me and did a spell that forced me out of my Animagus form. I straightened up and drew my wand. I was about to try disarm him but he disarmed me first. I backed away.

Fear and hatred marked my face. I was close enough to Ron that he grabbed me and pulled me onto the end of the bed. My father studied me, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. As if he was seeing a ghost. I noticed we had the same eyes and hair, except mine was cleaner and my eyes weren't hollow and haunted.
"Ron, are you okay?" I asked concerned but I kept me eyes trained on Black.

Rosabella Black |Daughter Of Sirius Black| (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now