The Dementor

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Rosabella's Point Of View:
Ginny and I both shared a suspicious look with each other. Remus noticed us staring and he and Mr and Mrs Weasley stopped their conversation. Come on, really? Curiousity never killed anyone. Just a cat. I sighed and looked away but I was still burning with curiosity. Mrs Weasley looked at the time.
"Oh Merlin, I had no idea it was this late. You should all go make sure you've got your trunks packed and go to bed. We have to get up early tomorrow." Mrs Weasley exclaimed.

We all stood up and headed upstairs. Harry and I walked into room 11.
"Harry you dont mind if I stay with Hermoine tonight do you?" I asked as I finished putting my clothes in my trunk.
"Yeah that's fine. I expected as much anyway." Harry replied grinning at me.

I smiled back at him.
"Goodnight Harry. I'll see you in the morning." I said.
"Night Ro." He replied.

I left the room and went into room 16 with Winter close behind me.

Hermione was just closing her trunk as I entered. We both collapsed onto the four poster bed.
"I'm exhausted." Hermione mumbled.
"Me too." I replied rubbing my eyes.
"Are you okay? With your dad and everything you seem too calm about it." Hermione asked suddenly.

She took me off gautd.
"I'm concerned about what he's going to do next. He's already done the impossible by getting out of Azkaban. What other tricks does he have up his sleeve?" I replied while fighting tears.

Hermione sat up and pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged her back and clinged onto her like she was a life line.
"Its going to be okay. They'll catch him soon. Everyone's looking for him. He'll be back in Azkaban before you know it. He wont get anywhere near you." Hermione said trying to soothe me.

I just nodded in response.

My inner debate started again. Should I tell her? Would she be able to help me tell Harry? Would she help me decide whether to tell Harry or not?
"Let's go to bed." Hermione suggested.
"Alright." I replied.

We changed into our pyjamas and got into the four poster bed. With the mental stress that Sirius Black escaping has caused, I feel asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow with Winter curled up in ball in my arms.

I was in a room full of broken, torn up furniture. The room it self looked like it was falling apart. Suddenly I heard movement in the corner. I spun round to find the source of the noise, only to come face to face with none other then Sirius Black. He was staring at me with souless eyes. He took a step forward resulting in me taking ten steps back. I didn't want him anywhere near me!
"Sirius Black." I whispered terrified.

He gave me a sinister grin.
"Don't you mean Father?" He asked with an emotionless voice.

His voice was cold and sinister. It made every word seem deadly.
"You are not my father!" I screamed.

Courage replacing the terror I felt merely moments ago. He seemed unaffected by my rash response.
"Are you sure about that?" He asked in the same emotionless voice that sent chills down my spine.
"We are so very much alike." He continued.
"I'm nothing like you! I would never betray my friends! I'd rather die then betray my friends! Unlike you!" I screamed boldly, hatred clear in my every word.
"You think so? Take a look and see for yourself." He insisted in his still emotionless voice.

Rosabella Black |Daughter Of Sirius Black| (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now