~14~ "Revealed" (Hyunjin)

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This episode will be Hyunjin's POV ^^
Bangchan's pov and his past has over, so we're going back to the present ~ enjoy!
- Hyunjin's pov-

"Tae noona! Why didn't you contact me earlier?? We knew each others number but you never messaged me even once!"

I crossed my arms on my chest as my lips forming a pout. Looking at the girl infront of me with a sulky face. Taeyeon laughs hard and she pinches my cheek.

"What's with that face- huh?? Let me ask you then, we have each other numbers, but you also never message me first" Taeyeon raises her brows, a little smirk was on her face.

"Ugh- fine! We're even! How's the cheerleader team preparation, noona? Don't be too harsh on your team~ they'll all run away" i asked her as i offer her a glass of water.

"Nahh~ the competition is near so practicing hard is a must, right?? But they're doing great~" Taeyeon nods her head as she gulped down the water i offered her.

"Oh, and by the way Hyunjinie.."

I raised my brows , tilting my head to the side while looking at her.

"I kicked Jessica out of the team"

My eyes widen a bit as i bring my head forward "wha- really? Why?"

"Well.." Taeyeon puts the glass on the kitchen table as her slim arm is leaning on it.

"She made mistakes all the time, i'm tired of her. She's arrogant, and the one she cares about was only her beauty. She doesn't follow my rules... And also, i have heard about her broke my bestfriend's heart. I hate when someone did something horrible to my friends, that's why i just get rid of her" she says.

I dumbfounded with my lips slightly apart. I don't know what to say at this moment. Taeyeon noona kicked Jessica out of the team.. Because she hurt me?

"But..noona- isn't it too harsh?"

Taeyeon shrugs "i don't care, my friends are precious, and no one messes with my friends" she smiles at me and she taps my shoulder "besides, i knew how much you loved her back then, but see what she did? She didn't deserve you, she deserves this, Hyunjinie"

Taeyeon then ruffles my hair "don't feel guilty about this, because she was in my team, not yours. And i'm the captain so i have the right to do anything to my team member" she let out a small laugh as she looks at my guilty face.

"But luckily today i have the time to meet you, even i can't stay that long though. We should message each other more often okay? You can tell me anything" Taeyeon smiles cutely, she hugged my arm with her small one. I nodded at her, letting her clings on me.

"Thank you so much, noona.. You always helped me out on my problems.."

I said it with sincerity. I really meant it. I don't know how to express my thankfulness anymore to this noona. She always helped me, i entered the basketball team because she helped me to join. I became the captain because she recommended me to the previous team captain and i finally being promoted to the highest position. She's just like my real sister whom i can rely on.

"By the way, is Bangchan up there? And.. Your friend? Who is he?" Taeyeon asks.

"Ohh, he was my best best best friend, noona.. Kim Seungmin, he appearently lives next door, but i asked him to company me today" i said with a huge smile "come on! I'll introduce you to him"

I pulled her hand and both of us are going upstairs where Bangchan and Seungmin were.

"You looked so happy when you said his name, can it be... Seungmin is.."

I furrowed my brows "what do you mean noona?"

"Your new crush?" Taeyeon asks with a joking tone as she poking my cheek.

"Crush??" I blinked few times, my cheeks showed a bit of pink but i quickly swift them away "what are you talking about?? He's a man!"

Taeyeon's eyes are forming a thin line as she seems to glare at me "thenn..?"

"Then.. A man can't fall for a man, right?? It's not ri-..."

My words freeze and i immediately stop walking when i saw what's coming before my eyes.

Bangchan and Minnie are kissing.

"Oh my" Taeyeon covers her mouth with her palms. Her face are a bit flushed as she saw both guys kissing infront of her.

I clenched my fist, immediately run there and pull them away from each others. Both Seungmin and Bangchan looked at me in shock. I glared at Bangchan and gives him a hard punch on his face until he stumbles to the ground.

"Aw! What the hell- hyunjin-ah!" Bangchan yells in pain as he touches the corner of his lips that bleeds.

"What the f*ck did you do to MY Minnie?!" i snapped at him in anger as i guard Seungmin on my back. Seungmin lightly clenches on my shirt , his head leaning on my back as he still feeling shock.

"Yours?? How dare you call him 'yours' when you can't even accept him the way he was, Hyunjin! You're hurting him again and again! You'll just make him suffer!" Bangchan yells back as he gets up , stumbling a bit. Taeyeon quickly grabbed his arm, helping him to stand still.

"What did you say?!" My anger boils up and i lift my fist, about to give him another punch but Seungmin suddenly holds my arm.


His eyes are glistening as he talked. I'm just staring at him while lowering my fist. I cupped his cheeks.

"Minnie.. I'm sorry, i shouldn't have left you alone with him" i said while pulling him into a hug. He didn't hug me back, instead..he burrying his face on my chest without saying anything.

"You'll never make him happy if you can't accept him the way he was. You are way too dense, Hwang Hyunjin. You never think of other people's feelings and just say what you want to say, you don't deserve someone like him " Bangchan says coldly.

"Chanie, let's go home .. You need to cool your head first, you made a mistake here.." Taeyeon tugged on Bangchan's shirt.

"Mistake?! I'm doing the right thing! I like Seungmin, and my feelings is not half-assed like this guy"

"Chanie! Lets go home!" Taeyeon forcefuly drags Bangchan with her "Hyunjinie, i'm sorry but we'll go home first, sorry for causing a fuss"

Bangchan grunts as Taeyeon drags him.

"This is not over yet! Kim Seungmin! I will win your heart! I'll show you that i can make you happier than Hyunjin did!" He yells before Taeyeon finally drags him away from my house.

Half -assed feelings..?

I stayed silent , trying to process his words. What does he mean by that..? I love minnie, of course i did.. He was my best friend. I never tried to hurt his feelings.. Did i hurt his feelings? I started to questioned myself.

"Minnie.." I hugged the boy tighter, caressing his hair while resting my chin on the top of his head. I sighed deeply "can i.. ask you something?"

Seungmin only gives me a small nod, he glances up at me with his puppy eyes.

"Do you know that Chan hyung had a crush on you?" I asked. My question seems to makes his eyes widen, he slowly shakes his head "i'm not.." He said.

"Will you let him flirt with you then?"

Seungmin again, shakes his head. His eyes started to get teary as he looked down and slowly pushes me away.

"I only have... one person i loved the most.. if i will date someone, it has to be him.." Seungmin says with sad tone "but... that person doesn't love me back.."

I grabbed his shoulders, and making him face me.

"Kim Seungmin.. Now, be honest with me.."

Seungmin slowly lifts his face, his eyes are full of tears.

"You like me right?"

To be continued.

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