~20~ " Fall " (Hyunjin)

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This story becoming longer than what i expected 😅😅 i hope you guys still enjoy it ~ xD
This is the second chapter of Hyunjin's past story.
And also, in this story, the time will kept on jumping fast (because i don't want this past story becomes too long xD )
Enjoy! ~ thank you for you guys who's voted and read my story 😭 i love you guys!


One day, when i don't have a practice, me and Minnie finally will go home together. I waited for him on the front gate, because he said he was in the library and he asked me to wait here.

I waited for almost half an hour and i texted him. But he didn't reply me. Until more minutes has passed, he finally come. And i was shocked as hell when i saw two bruises on his face. One on his eyes and another one on the corner of his lips. His uniform was dirty and messy.

"F*ck! Minnie!! What the hell happened to you??!" i asked worriedly as i cupped his cheeks, examining his wound.

He replies me with a little smile "t-these are nothing..i-i just fell down on my way here.." he stutters.

"Huh?? Do you think i'll believe that?! Tell me the truth! Who did this to you?!" i shake him a little but he shakes his head.

"N-no one..really.. I just fell.."

I know he's telling me a lie. He never be good at lying since the first time i met him. I saw him hissing in pain , and it brokes my heart.

"C-can we go home now..?" he asks, still managed to keep his smile to make him looked okay.

I nodded a bit, fixing his stray hair before i wrapped my arm around him as we walked home.

I swear i would not stay quiet on this.


"Minnie! Let's go home together!" i sprinted into his class and pulls his hand in hurry. Seungmin was looking at me in confuse, he grabbed his bag and following me.

"J-jinnie?? Don't you have practice?" he asked.

"Yeah i did!" i answered as i fasten my walking pace , but he suddenly stopped and pulls his hand away.

"Then why ? You should've stay at school?"

I sighed as i tried to catch my breath, i hold his shoulders and face him "listen here, minnie..i was worried! What if you get hurt again?!"

Seungmin laughed at that.

"You're overreacting, Jinnie.."

"It's not that- but i'm really worried about you, what if you get hurt and no one was there???"

Seungmin laughs harder and ruffles my hair "i'm not a kid anymore, and you're too paranoid. I can take care of myself y'know.."

I pouted and i cupped his cheeks, squeezing them a bit until his lips forms a pout "i just can't stand to see you get hurt anymoree , please let me take you home"

Seungmin letting out a cute giggle as he nodded "alright~ but let your teamate know first so that they won't look for you" he said.

"Okay" i took my phone and dialed Bangchan's phone, which it doesn't take long for him to answer.

"Hello, Hyunjin? Where are you?? We're at the field already-"

"Hyung, i'm taking my friend home first! I'll be late but i'll definitely come"

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