𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐥𝐞𝐞 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 🌧️

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you heard his boisterous laugh echo throughout the halls as you looked out. no-one was there. you held back tears as you went to his room, as you opened his door. there was so many things you needed to pack. there were so many things that you didn't get to say.

he didn't deserve this. he didn't. you saw a frame of him, and his team smiling, as you sniffled and picked it up slowly. you stared at the photo, then the frame. the frame was torn. worndown. but the back, had a signature of his. the gates opened as you sobbed softly.

"oh, and i miss my lover.."

you touched his face through the frame as you a shiver went through your whole body. you sat there for god knows how long. you were starting to get numb. numb from everything. the pain. when it was his funeral, you didn't know how to react. you would never see him again. the last thing you saw of him, was his monotone eyes, his blank face getting lowered into the ground. you yelled out.

"why did you leave me? i wanted to be with you.. it's not fair.." you sat and laid there for hours on the cold ground. the mud soaking your gown as you sobbed louder. the village heard your cries of pain as they all turned away. did they even care? no. of course not. they only thought of him as the loud nuisance =, who had nothing better to do. but to you, he was your nuisance. your idiot. he was yours..

"what am i supposed to do.. without you?.."

you whispered out, as your voice and throat were tired from yelling. your eyes puffy, your knees weak from sitting down for so long. you sniffed as you got up. you instantly fell back down, as you whimpered.

"it's not fair.."

you croaked out as you used something that you were never supposed to use.

you shakily did the handsigns, as you crawled over to his headstone, still fresh from any speck of dust. you whispered out the name, as you were instantly transported to him.


see now, the thing you used was a family jutsu that was held and kept secret, as the leaf would've targeted you.

it was basically like inos. where she could go into anyone's body. but yours was different. you could go in their body, and reverse time to when they were there. so you could go into his body, and see how he died. you can't move him, you can't guide him, you're just there to witness what happened. you were a shadow. a speck in his mind, that he can't hear.

you braced for the impact, as you saw everything in his eyes. it haunted you. his screams. his cries. he called out for you.. but you weren't there.. he was tortured as you saw what he looked like from the glint of the eyes who were the torturers. it was horrifying. you couldn't even recognize him. you looked away as you heard him scream once again, but something was off. he wasn't moving. you yelled out his name, as the dark slowly surrounded you. you were brought back into reality, as someone was shaking you.

it was kakashi. he shook you worriedly as you removed his hands from your shoulder, as you couldn't speak. you were in shock. you saw his last moments, as it gave you an unease that you couldn't walk off. it would stay there for as long as it needed.

"i.. i heard you screaming. i went over here to see what was happening, but it was you -- so i woke you up.. are you okay? i heard you scream out 'lee'.. is everything okay?"

you shook your head, as you looked up at him. you smiled as your eyes started to leak once again. kakashi looked at you with a somber look, as he reached out a hand. you looked at him hesitantly as you grabbed it. you didn't know what happened after, since it went black -- but all you know is that you passed out due to exhaustion.

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