Chapter 2

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"Greenie! Greenbean! Girrrrl!" She groaned. Someone was shaking her awake, none too gently at that. "What?" She sat up and rubbed her eyes, she could swear she'd hardly gotten any sleep. She'd lay tossing and turning, never finding the right position, dozing off, but bolting up just as quick. She sighed as all the events off the previous day rushed back to her. Blinking rapidly she looked at her disrupter. "Chuck! What...why... Ugh!" Chuck was beaming at her as if he'd slept great! And he probably had! "I gotta take you to breakfast!" The boy said. "" She asked dazed. "Yes, breakfast. Let's go!" She stood up and stretched. "What do you do for showers here?" She asked, "Best I can do for ya is a bucket." Chuck said. She sighed then said "Bring it" Chuck shuffled uneasily and said "Newt's looking for you, like, now". She noticed that the maze doors were already open. How had she missed that?

"Chuckles. I was drenched in sweat and I refuse to leave this spot without an attempt at cleaning myself. Think about it, though, the more time you waste, the more Newt has to wait." Chuck stared at her for a very long time. Then said "Fine! Fine!" he then walked off mumbling things about Female Weirdness. He returned with a bucket of Luke warm water. "Thanks Chuck" She said and took off her long sleeved gray shirt, leaving her in a white tank top and her brown mid-thigh shorts."Hey, Chuck?" She asked. "What is out there?" She gestured to one of the openings in the wall Chuck looked around "Can't tell ya" She sighed. She'd have to use a different approach. She suddenly got an idea. "But you already did" she said, trying to hide the sly smirk on her lips. "No I didn't!" Chuck exclaimed.

"Yeah, you did, last night." She forced a serious expression.

"No, I didn't"

"Yes, you did"





"Greenie, there is no way I told you about the maze!" Chuck said, irritation plain on his face.

She smirked at Chuck. "Aha! So it's a maze?"

Chuck blushed in embarrassment and said "Well, yeah, but it's off limits."


Chuck didn't reply. So she resorted to find out some other way, the poor kid had been grilled enough. She rinsed her face and her hair out. She then washed the gray shirt and hung it on a tree branch. "See, I didn't take that long. Now you can take me to 'breakfast'" Chuck rolled his eyes. "What? Never heard of breakfast?" he asked, "No, I know what it is, the general idea of it, just curious as to how its done here." she said. Breakfast was held out by the homestead, there were a bunch of picnic tables set out where all the boys were seated and eating. As soon as she stepped up conversations stopped and the Gladers turned to stare at her. "Chuck," she whispered, looking down. "What are the chances they're staring at you and not me?" Chuck chuckled uneasily. "Very low".

"Ay, Greenie! C'mere." She looked up and spotted Newt at an empty table. She decided to make an impression. She squared her shoulders and raised her head, she began to walk towards Newt, meeting all the Gladers eyes as she looked around. "Bloody hell, Greenie! You look just about ready to kill someone!" Newt exclaimed. The girl frowned and plopped down into the seat opposite him "Good morning to you too" she mumbled. Newt pushed a plate in front of her."Well, eat up. I got something to show ya" She looked at the eggs toast and bacon. She picked up a fork and speared at the eggs. She took a bite, it was good. She started eating. "Slow down there, Greenie" She looked up at Newt, her mouth still full and smiled sheepishly.

After she finished eating Newt took her to one of the walls, where there was a square of glass. It was a window into the 'maze'. "I trust you've heard 'bout the maze or at least wondered what goes on in there." She nodded, wondering if she'd finally be getting answers. "Our lives revolve 'round that maze, Greenie. Ain't no other way t'say it. Every lovin' second of every lovin' day we spend in honor of that bloody maze, tryin' ta solve it. I wanna show ya why it's not to be messed with. those bloody walls close every buggin' night" He pulled back the vines so she could get a batter view, "Take a look, Greenie" she did. But saw nothing. "What am I supposed to be lookin' at?" She asked after a couple of minutes. All she saw were walls. "Hold onto your undies, Greenie, one'll come soon"

"Hold my undies?" she asked, Who spoke like that?! "Just shush". Suddenly a huge creature the size of a cow stepped out from a passage, climbed a wall and launched itself at the window. she shrieked and fell backwards onto her bottom. She then got up again and looked through again. The creature had metal things sticking out of it. "Ugly sight, ain't it, Greenie?"

"What the hell is that?" She breathed out.

"Call em Grievers. That's the reason you don't go into the maze. Buggin things won't think twice bout a nice human ta eat. If those walls didn't close every night, we'd be a bloody all you can eat buffet." Newt gave her a weary glance. "Gathering should be round about now. I'll take ya" Newt started walking in the direction of the homestead. "Newt! wait! What am I supposed to do?"

"Just sit down and keep your bloody mouth shut. Can't be any safer. Course, you seem t'be a pro when it comes ta keeping quiet" he gave her a slight smile.

"Only when it's in my best interest. I have a feeling these guys have the power t'get me killed or make my life miserable. Am I wrong, Newt?"

"No, ain't wrong 'bout that, Greenie" he sighed, "Because you seem smart and alright. I'll try to put in a good word fer ya"

She smiled. "Thank you, Newt".

"Just helpin' where I can, missie." She was suddenly hit by a wave of vertigo. Missie... Miss... Mis... She squeezed her eyes shut. Miss... Missie...
We care about you, Missie... You"re special. Even THEY can see it. They have plans for you. Big ones. But don't be scared...I'll do my best protect you, Artemis. You know he will, too.

Artemis. That was her name. "Newt." She said slowly. He looked at her "Greenie?" "The names Artemis" he raised a brow "you remembered...did you say...Arte...Mis?"

"No, I didn't say Arte...Mis. I said Artemis... What's wrong Newt?"

"Well, call me crazy, but I swear... I-"

"There you two are!" Alby was waiting for them and Artemis remembered what she was about to face. "God help me" she mumble before following the boys inside.

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