Chapter 4

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Hi... It's short. Very short. But... I tried? Hope you like it, though.

For a moment the room was silent. Artemis had no idea what exactly a banishment was here, but by the look on the other boys faces, it couldn't be good. Even Alby looked a bit stunned. "Well, thank you for that, Gally. I'll write that...uh...down" Alby said "Minho, you're up" He pointed at the Asian, who raised a brow. "Well. Can I just say, Gally really needs to look at his definition of 'plain and simple' 'cause that was in no way plain or simple." A few boys chuckled, Gally just scowled deeper. "Well, I agree with Newt. I believe that throwing her out just cause she ain't a dude would be an excellent example of sexism and discrimination. So I say we keep her. This place could use a feminine touch." Artemis couldn't help it, she rolled her eyes at him. He folded his arms and sat back. Alby read over his notes. "Alright, the way I see it. The girl hasn't exactly done anything to prove her alleged dangerousness. Gally your suggestion is out of the question. We will not banish an innocent-" Gally interrupted Alby by asking "How do we know she's innocent?" Alby then yelled "She will be innocent until she's proven guilty!" the room went silent again. "Now, she hasn't harmed anyone, and I don't think we have any reason to just declare her not trustworthy, as much as we have reason to distrust any other male Greenies. Now let's take a vote. All in favour of punishing her just for showing up?" Only Gally raised his hand. "Opposed?" Mostly everyone else raised their hands into the air. "Alright, we keepin' her. Also, somein just came t'my attention, she is a female, and surrounded by guys... well, we'll need some ground rules. First and foremost. She'll be touched by no one. Aggressively or otherwise. We don't want complications. That means I want no 'romantic relationships' or attempts thereof. She will not be violated in any way. That alright, Greenie"Greenie Artemis was shocked that he was addressing her, she nodded and said "Every girl has some standards." the boys raised their brows and some chuckled. "Good that. Anyone found doing this will be judged according to the crime. Most probably the slammer." That was fine with her. "Alright. I declare this Gathering dismissed. Go back to work ya lazy shuck-faces" she stood up and a little smile crept onto her face. She was alright, for now. "Wouldn't be smiling if ya knew what I have in store for you" She looked up at Newt. "Can't be that bad." she mumbled, Newt chuckled "I gotta give you a tour. Then you'll start with the jobs."


"Yeah, jobs, we don't sit around doing nothing all day. We gonna let you try out all the jobs till you find the perfect fit." He said.

"Oh, what will I be trying out first?" she asked. "You okay with blood?" He asked.

"What?"She was confused "Shuck, you are feisty one. Blood house'll be a nice fit for ya. Love to see ya squirm while ya Slicin'" he smirked. "Bloodhouse?" she asked the boy who was limping away, "Slicing? Newt!" she walked after him.
I'll make it up to you? Just tell me how. And, oh yeah, OH NO HE DIDN'T. Love ya.

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