❝ romaniticizing of toxic traits ❞

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has anyone else here noticed how toxic traits are romanticized? irl and in fiction.

actually, i've noticed that anime especially has that effect on people, particularly teens.

relationships shouldn't be based upon obsession, being a shitty person, power dynamics, manipulation, etc.

we really do romanticize being toxic in today's society.

you can look at fifty shades of grey for an example. the rich guy took advantage of his power over the girl. unhealthy power dynamic, manipulation, obsession. the girl also had poor boundaries and let herself be controlled due cuz it was easier for her for someone else to control her rather than make big decisions for herself. they both had an unhealthy uhh wait what's the word uhhh clinginess,,, no wait there's a better word,,, oh, co-dependency.

it sucks that the book was so romanticized. partly for the sex but also cuz people wanted a relationship like the one the main characters had, and i'm just like pls you deserve so much better.

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oh my god, i hate how many political ads there are.

mcconnell vs mcgrath is also annoying. from what i've heard, it's mostly mcconnell trying to shit on mcgrath, saying she's "too liberal for kentucky."

she's advocating for women's rights?? wha?? why is that such a leftist idea?? why is she being shat on for that??

i hate how much of campaigning is just shitting on your opponent. i wish it was less biased in that aspect. just cuz you've got something to say about your opponent doesn't suddenly make you any better. i personally think it should be more about your qualities, ambitions, plans, and credibility.

i'm struggling to find actual info on either of them, but as now, i'm most likely voting for mcgrath.

"it's scary where she'd take kentucky." mcconnell sounds dramatic haha.


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