Shiggy and Sho

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I saw Tomura standing on a desk nearly and the rest of them behind him running towards us. Hizashi screamed using his quirk. My ears were bleeding but that doesn't matter, they were here for a fight. Nezu got the memo of the screech and locked down the school shutting the gates completely and locking students in their dorms.

"We are here for the child, if you return her without a fight you'll be fine." Tomura said disintegrating a desk. I didn't respond and grabbed a Nomu with my scarf and swung him around using him as a wrecking ball to throw them out. All of them except one was unconscious. I couldn't see them but Hizashi was screaming to knock them back.

I couldn't hear anything anymore and I felt blood pooling in my ears by the time we were almost done. They were putting up a fight alright, one of them landed a hit on me and got my ribs and my face. I felt my ribs crack and my left eye close shut because of the bruising. Hizashi was jumping around and theowing tables at them trying to knock em down and got many of the ones who were concious. Toshinori finally ran in and did his thing and captured them.

It was hard to breath and my chest hurt so bad and so did my upper back. I still couldn't hear anything they said but I could tell they were talking about the villains.

Shota stood up and from behind him a saw a figure I recognized. I was speechless, is that really Tomura?! I screamed using my quirk to blow them away and I saw shotas ears bleeding and knew that was a bit much. There was an hour of back and forth fighting and in the end Shota's was beaten badly but still was undefeated. I lost my voice but Shota was safe now.

Hizashi lost his voice and I had a concussion from hitting my head so hard so many times. I was sent to the hospital to do x Ray's for any broken ribs and the bottom 2 on each side were fractured or broken. The doctors had to drain my ears of blood and clean my cuts and bruises while Hizashi was getting a vocal test done. They did so many different tests for me about my concussion and  ribs I almost fell asleep so many times.
     It was about 7pm when we left the hospital  and we were left without  our SUV and no way home. Nemuri drove us home after she picked Hizashi up some tea and cough drops and me some pain meds and rib tape and other stuff I cant remember.

I guess I was passing out the whole way back to our place which is a 45 minute drive and they had to keep waking me up, I dont remeber anything after leaving the hospital really. All I know is that it was hard to do anything even breathing was a hard task.

We finally made it home and Nemuri stayed with us untill Hizashi had a voice and could help me and untill I could do shit.
"You two sit down and get comfortable, I'm making you two dinner and I dont care what you say." Nemuri said that handing Hizashi a bag of meds for me. I was leaning on Hizashi the whole time I walked and it hurt to do that but i have no sence of balance with a concussion and I gave up on trying to do anything. We walked to the couch and Hizashi helped me down slowly making sure I didn't hurt my ribs or back anymore then I have already, It was a difficult task to do but with many gasps of pain and many tries of laying back I found a position. I was getting my hearing back once the pain killers were kicking in. Hizashi took my shirt off while I was sleeping and put rib tape on and some heating and cooling strips as well for the swelling.

I woke up with Hizashi leaning over me lightly rubbing my chest and singing to me. His hair was down to his waist and a straight yet frizzy mess I needed to wash and brush. I had some black tape on my ribs and some things on my lower and upper back that was cooling it down.

Morning Boo, are you feeling any better? I asked seeing Sho waking up. I didn't get a response so he must not have heard me, I signed to him good morning and asked how he was doing. After a few minutes of him waking himself up he signed back that his head was pounding and he felt dizzy and light headed.

We learned ASL when we were around 18 through 21, he learned it because the doctor thought that I might have lost my hearing in a battle but they were wrong. I learned it when I was around five because my parents also faced hearing loss scare but it never happened. It was easier to communicate on missions with asl as well.

I woke up a bit more and saw his lips move but no noise, it was muffled but I could hear him a bit. I forgot he asked a question once I sat up. Once I slowly got upright he signed to me, "wait, we haven't signed in forever. I haven't forgot it but I didnt know he remembered it." I thought to myself reading his hand motions. After seeing that he asked how I was feeling I signed back that my head hurt and I was dizzy and light headed.

They continued to sighn back and forth asking each other questions untill they saw Nemuri walk over in utter confusion. "What are you two doing?" She asked putting her hands up. "We are signing back and forth, it's a type of communication that we learned when we were younger." I said to her. "Can he hear me?' She asked sitting on the floor by the couch. "I'm not sure Nemi, the doctors said he blew an ear drum and it will take a while to hear again so it will slowly come back over time." I said looking at my fiance. We have been putting off our marriage for a while now because of recent events. I signed to him asking if he could Nemuri and he shook his head no and closed his eyes.

Hizashi was talking to Nemuri and I guessed they were talking about me because they were both looking at me. I closed my eyes relaxing a bit hoping Hizashi would snuggling on my chest even though it hurts. He walked away talking to Nemuri...

I fell asleep a bit later and forgot about school.

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