Prologue: The Incident

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13-year-old Anthony, so young and naive... Only wanted his older sister's help with his math homework but ended up with a horrific shock when he goes up to her room.

An unconscious young woman, laying vertically on her bed, with a pill bottle in her hand and pills surrounding her like a flower garden.

The young boy was utterly shocked as he ran downstairs to tell his mother the horrific discovery.

His mother called the ambulance and they arrived rather quickly, escorting her into the hospital as soon as they could.

The young boy was devastated that his sister may not make it... He walked into his sister's room one last time, just to check around for any signs.

What he saw next changed his life for the worst.

It was a piece of paper with a letter written on it, dated recently.

It was from Isadora herself to her little brother. It read;

"Dear Anthony,

I'm sorry I have to do this... I'm sorry that I won't be there for your future birthdays or future holidays... But I'm going through way too much for me to handle anymore... What I'd give just to hug you one last time. Just to tell you that everything is going to be alright, without me... Pretty soon life would be normal... You would forget that I ever left... I'll always be there for you, you know that right? Even if I'm not exactly there... I'll always be there in spirit... No matter what you end up doing with your life, just know... I'll always be proud of my baby brother... No matter what. I love you, Anthony.

Have a wonderful life...

Much Love, Isadora.♡"

Anthony was heartbroken... His sister has taken her life without his knowledge... If he knew what was going on, he would have tried to stop her, to have her life. But now it's too late...

He placed the letter close to his chest and collapsed onto the ground, sobbing and unable to accept the fact that his very own sister is gone.

He couldn't stop crying, he cried until he passed out on the floor, and from that day forward, Anthony began writing letters to his sister constantly, like she wrote that letter to him.

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