Letter 20: The Last Letter

24 10 1

September 30th, 2011

Dear Isadora,

I tried, I- I really did try... I tried so hard to live but I genuinely and sincerely cannot take this anymore.

I wanted to live... To see if I will have a better future... But it's impossible... So many people hate me and so many people harass me daily... I cannot stand the insults that are being screamed out my window...

It's at a point where I wonder how the neighbors haven't called the police yet... It's even more proof that I don't matter...

Maybe I deserve this... This treatment... I'm a monster after all... I did nothing but horrible things ever since you died... Maybe this is my karma... It would make the most sense out of things.

Wherever I end up after this... I just want you to know that the memories we had are ours and they'll always be ours... No matter what, I'll always, always love you, Isadora...

I know I've been a little shit lately and blamed everything on you but if anything, it's my fault... Everything that happened to me was my fault...

I don't blame you for anything, Isadora... It makes sense why you would want to leave this shithole... I don't blame you at all.

Don't worry about me, Isadora... It's finally time... For the pain to end...

I needed this... I can't handle the pain anymore... These children want me dead and all I'm doing here is giving them exactly what they want... But maybe for once, I can make someone else happy and not be a selfish bitch like I always am...

I'm so sorry I have to do this...

But I have no other choice...

I can't do this anymore...

I love you so much, Isadora...

I'll see you on the other side...

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