Letter 17: In For A Good Time

18 9 0

September 17th, 2011

Dear Isadora,

Today, I decided for one of the last times to get my boney ass up, toss the insecurities out the window and have some fun.

I snuck into a nightclub which is a bad idea, I know but c'mon, you know me by now, I'm a rule breaker.

Besides, I don't look that young anyways... I mean I am fourteen, but I got the looks of a twenty-year-old with the number of drugs I have ejected into my body over the months.

Don't ask where I got a hundred dollars from... I did some "errands" for that money. And of course, I was going to use that hundred to get wasted, to get plastered.

But what I didn't expect was to see a gorgeous woman in front of me.

Chestnut brown hair, hazel eyes that are so beautiful that you simply can't look away from, curly hair that just makes you melt... Freckles all over her face... She had porcelain skin... She looked very young too... She couldn't be over twenty years of age. She must've snuck in as I did.

I was intoxicated and not very aware of my surroundings, nor smart either as I was kinda... All over her, I would say.

This situation is very hard to explain but as I was drunk, it was hard to remember everything that happened. But I do remember asking her if she was single and she responded with yes.

Constant flirting, pickup lines, smooth talk, even a small child could tell I was leading on to her.

But the best part is on its way.

Remember when I promised you I wasn't going to have any sexual intercourse until I get married?

Yeah, well umm... Things escalated quickly and well...

I lost my virginity in a nightclub restroom with the prettiest girl I have ever seen.

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