Letter 7: Snitched

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August 3rd, 2011

Dear Isadora,

I'm sorry I looked through your things. I feel like such a nosy piece of garbage.

I know I shouldn't be in your business but... That bastard is the reason you're dead. And I will make sure I'm the reason he'll be 6 feet under in a cemetery far away from yours.

My "friends" already know about this asshole. They aren't as bad as everyone thinks they are terrible people because they ditch classes and smoke weed and drink up a storm until they pass out by the alleyway... But they aren't bad people. They were just as angry as I was.

Maybe this is a bad idea and I shouldn't have told anyone because this is your business, not mine and I'm just making things worse for everyone including myself.

It's too late to turn back now.

They want to know where he lives.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry... I wish I never told them... I truly am a fool... I never think when I'm angry and that's a fact you knew since I was a wee little kid.

I mean who cares anyways? Nobody gives a fuck about that asshole anyways so it's all a win-win situation for both of us.

I mean even you, with the kindest heart would want him dead.

So I'm doing us both a favor.

I know you're probably wondering what I'm talking about right about now.

Well, let's just say...

I told them where he lived...

And to be honest with you?

I don't regret it. He's done nothing but abused us and especially you since I saw that entry...

I'm sorry I didn't mind my own business. But just trust me, it'll all be for the better...

I'll give you that revenge if it's the last thing I do.

Don't worry, Isadora...

It'll all be over soon... :)

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