Letter 6: The Truth

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July 28th, 2011

Dear Isadora,

I realized that I haven't written you a letter in 2 weeks... I'm very sorry about that... My drug and alcohol addiction has engulfed me and I haven't had the energy to do anything but sleep and inject. I know, very pathetic of me.

But I'm getting back on track with my life as I'm currently 3 days clean from heroin... I know that isn't a lot but... It's a huge achievement for me...

It's been 2 months since your death and I promised myself that I would go into your room every month to find clues about your death... Because all I know so far is that you overdosed on painkillers. I don't even know why you took your own life.

I went inside your room for the 5th time since your death. Yes, I'm still heavily addicted to self-harm... And yes, I still go to your room to take your blades.

Something told me to lift your mattress, I don't know why, but I did so.

I saw a pink notebook with the words Isadora's Journey covered on book with white lettered stickers.

I decided to pick it up and read through the entries. But there was one entry that caught my attention.

It read;

"April 23rd, 2010

Dear Diary,

I can't take this abuse anymore. My stepfather always uses me as a sex doll... What am I supposed to do about this, become a little slut for him? I cannot take this anymore... He constantly exploits me... He constantly has sex with me... I never consent to any of his solicitations, but he still does it anyways... I'm 15 years old... I shouldn't be a whore for anyone. I should be focused on school, I should be focused on more teenager things not if I'm going to get raped again... I should tell someone but... I'm too scared to... He told me if I tell someone, he'll kill my brother right in front of me... I can't just do that... He's only 12 years old... He has so much life ahead of him... I'll be his little sex doll if it means that my brother gets to live... All that matters in my life is him and him only... Good thing nobody is going to know about this... It'll be my little secret for the rest of my life... Thank God.

Why does life have to be so hard?

I wish I knew.

- Isadora."

My jaw dropped... That piece of shit was going to kill me if you told someone that he rapes you daily? Oh... Dory... I'm so sorry... I blamed everything on you but I never even knew your backstory... Oh God, I'm so sorry... I will avenge you... I will make sure that motherfucker pays for what he did to you.

I hang out with really terrible people... They could find him easily and make him disappear from the face of the Earth in a heartbeat.

I know you didn't want anyone to know... But I will make sure he pays...

Because I love you, Isadora...

And like you protected me, I'll protect your legacy...

Dear IsadoraWhere stories live. Discover now