Letter 16: Expelled

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September 13th, 2011

Dear Isadora,

I finally decided to go to school today... For what reason? I don't know.

Only to find out that I got expelled for my absence.

See Isadora, I told you this shitty ass school doesn't give a rat's ass about me.

And not only did I get expelled, but of course, the children couldn't wait to beat on me.

But this was different, not only did they jump me, but they also said some pretty fucked up shit to me.

"Oh great, you're here again. I thought the mental institution would've killed you by now. But of course, it didn't... Because it feels sorry for your ugly pathetic ass."

That was just one thing. There are so much more things...

"This fucking freak hasn't killed himself yet? Oh my fucking god... What is he waiting for?"

And more...

"Do you know how easy it is to off yourself? Nobody in this school even likes you. No wait, that's an understatement, nobody in this world even likes you."

And more...

"If he doesn't do it, I will. I cannot stand his ugly-ass disgusting fat face anymore."

And more...

"Oh look, the fatass finally listened to us... He looks like he lost a lot of weight... What did you do, starve yourself? What a pussy!"

Nothing I ever do is good enough, eh?

This is the bullshit I have to deal with every day. This is exactly why I don't go to school every day. And I'm ecstatic that I got expelled.

Now nobody would even know that I died. I can't wait... I'm going to escape this hell I live in every day soon...

I have nobody left anyways. It's not like my death is going to affect anyone anyways.

Is anyone going to be at my funeral? Hell no. Is anybody going to even find my body? Nope, because nobody cares even to even check on me anymore.

My only friends are drugs, alcohol, and self-harm... Because they sure know how to numb the pain for me... They are more real friends than my actual friends... Oh, wait... I have no friends anymore... Thanks to me becoming a freak.

I can't wait for the pain to end.

It'll be a paradise for me.

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