Letter 11: A Failed Attempt

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August 23rd, 2011

Dear Isadora,

Ah yes, a failed suicide attempt. Isn't that just marvelous... How come yours wasn't a fail but mine was? Life is so unfair.

I tried hanging myself but I was unaware of the fact that the branch was weakened... Of course, a fat ass like I would break the fucking tree branch.

Another reason why I need to lose 50 pounds.

I haven't eaten in 4 days. Nothing. Just water and water only.

I lost 10 pounds but I'm still a fat ass...

I know I should probably eat but... Those words ingrained in my brain tell me otherwise... I'm so hungry I feel like I'm going insane. Time is getting slower and slower... I need a calory in my body, I need...

No! I've felt withdrawal way too many times, I know how to handle it. And I know how to handle hunger. Bottles after bottles of water.

Life is just getting harder and harder.

I genuinely do not care if I starve myself to death. I have nothing to live for anyways so who cares? Nobody on this planet does so what difference does it make if the world loses a pathetic citizen like me?

A lot of people already want me dead so I'm doing them all a favor. I just wish I weren't a pussy.

You overdosed on pills, right...?

That worked for you...

Maybe I should try that!

Now I just have to figure out where I could find pills.

Perhaps the delinquents could scrounge up some painkillers for me...

Maybe for once, something could numb the pain I constantly feel.

Oh, what am I kidding? Nothing will ever work... I'm just on this planet to suffer. The children at school are great at that...

I just wish they'd kill me already...

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