Letter 12: Flight Or Flight

17 8 0

August 26th, 2011

Dear Isadora,

Guess where I'm at... In a mental institution. Wanna know how that happened? I knocked a kid out for talking bad about you and ran up to the rooftop to jump off but someone was already there.

Now I'm trapped in this hellhole and I'm forced to eat 3 meals a day.

But since most of the employees are dumb as a rock, I just spit the food into a napkin and flush it down the toilet.

145 pounds and I still feel like a whale...

The last time I ate was yesterday, and I puked all of it up. You can't blame me... I hadn't eaten in a week.

I bet you're wondering what happened with the kid and knock-out situation...

Just a daily routine of tormenting me, calling me fat, the f slur, ugly, disgusting, a freak... You know the drill... I'm already used to this bullshit by now.

I don't care when people insult me because the things they say are true anyways... But when they bring you into it, that's when it gets to my breaking point.

"Where's your sister to protect you huh? Oh right, I forgot, that whore is dead. Guess she couldn't stand your disgusting ass any longer. I don't blame her honestly. You are truly and undeniably unlovable."

I don't even remember what happened. All I remember was that my fist collided with his face and he fell to the ground.

Nobody calls my sister a whore, nobody.

And that's when in a moment of adrenaline, I ran to the rooftop to jump off. But unfortunately, there was someone already there. I have never seen them before in my entire life... Must've been a new employee... A new employee that should have minded their own business.

I ain't shit...

So why did they save me...?

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