Chapter 17

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After arriving at the house Ella got off the buggy, took Daria in her arms, walked around the house and yard with Ashton. A two-story house with two bedrooms, kitchen, fireplace, a closet or two on the first floor while on the second floor had four bedrooms. There was a barn, garden and clothes line as well, Ella was very much pleased with the place as well as the dock. The men started unpacking the buggy while Ella held Daria and watched them unload the buggy.

Once everything was unpacked they got back in the buggy and or their horse and started their way back to the main dock where The Dragon's Haul should be. By the time they reached the main dock it was dark, Klutz stayed on the buggy to sleep and watch Ella and Daria while the others including prince Arthur slept a board The Dragon's Haul. Prince Arthur felt uneasy being a board the pirate ship even though he was told he would be unharmed. The pirates flocked around Ella to see the sleeping newborn and left for cap'n Rudy told them to let Ella and the newborn sleep.

Early the next day cap'n Rudy, prince Arthur, Klutz and Ashton left to go to Alvin's kingdom to get more stuff that was left behind and being held at the palace, Ella and Daria stayed a board the pirate ship to be protected until Ashton thought the house seemed ready for his wife and newborn daughter. Ella sent her messenger bird to king Alvin's palace first to let them know she stayed a board the pirate ship. The princess received a reply from them; Ella then wrote Galvin and James to see what the update was. Their reply said they were on the trail heading back to Alvin's kingdom. Ella wrote back telling James and Galvin that she stayed on The Dragon's Haul while cap'n Rudy and Ashton was heading to Alvin's kingdom; to meet up with them if possible.

The pirates tried to keep to themselves and keep the ship in order even with Ella and her baby Daria there. No matter how hard they tried to give them breathing room they found themselves watching them, especially Light foot who seemed to be her guard for the time being. Cook kept everyone fed as usual but tried to keep it healthy as possible since Ella feeds Daria.

Nearly two months passed, Raina known as Ella and her daughter Daria been living on the pirate ship until Ashton says the house is as good as it'll get which happens to be the second month since Ella and Daria started living on The Dragon's Haul. Ella decided they'd sail down to the small dock while Galvin took the horse and buggy.

As careful as possible they docked and got off the ship, seeing Daria and Ella would live while they went pirating. That night everyone spent there, at the house or on board, James even convinced Ashton to take all his crew members when they leave. Although Ashton agreed he decided to change his mind the next morning, Klutz would stay behind yet again.

Ella was sad to see Ashton and the crew leave but she knew their nature plus Ashton wanted to provide a little. Klutz watched as a body guard and unknown to him James and Galvin were her body guards not brothers. One day they all took the horse and buggy to the main dock to sell some fur and mail an envelope to Ella's parents.

Its been seven months since Daria was born and Ella couldn't believe how big Daria gotten. Klutz, James, and Galvin talks more as if they're old friends. On one particular rainy day there was a knock at the door, James opened it to find Orson, John, and Luke. All three came inside, dripping wet. Klutz eyed them suspiciously until James said "they are good people." Klutz went upstairs to get Ella. Ella and Klutz returned, once Ella saw them, she ran and hugged them. "Klutz this is my friend Orson. John and Luke are my brothers from that day when we first met." "Four brothers, ye were not rigging." "Nay." The newly arrived visitors just looked at them, "Galvin bring towels and dry clothes for them." Galvin silently left to get what Ella asked for.

For a week they stayed and helped if they could, as fast as they came they left leaving little bit of hair behind in envelopes like Ella wanted. 

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