- his 'to be' bride -

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                          -Jungkook's POV-

I saw suga hyung carrying my 'to be wife' on his back. I rushed to him and helped him by taking her off of him.

"She is quite light" he commented
"I thought she fell off on the way"

and we both just giggled softly and I agreed with him because what he said was true she was way too light. I carried her on my arms the bridal style

"I wonder if she fed herself properly " said I gazing at her

"you have quite sharp eyes hyung, she is beautiful indeed" I said and he just winked at me and replied

"I'm worried you might fall for her" which I just shook my head and chuckled

"don't worry I won't. I will try and keep my promise. All I have to make sure is to keep her safe"

I paused and sighed

"Anyway thank-you hyung.. We'll see you there tonight. I will take her to my room" I continued

"Mmm and don't do any stupid thing to her okay.. And dress her prettily" with that suga hyung left leaving me with a huge smile.

His Shadow Her Moon. | A MinYoongi FanFiction | Completed | Where stories live. Discover now