- ¿Marry you? -

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                             -Sophie's POV-

I opened my eyes slowly feeling dizzy

"I live?? "

were my first words and looked around still lied on a soft bed and realized it was a place I didn't know. I hurriedly sat up straight wandering about. There I saw a glimpse of a figure in a corner and it seemed to be moving towards me.

"Who- who are you?? Why am I here?"

I demanded but the figure did not reply, I soon got to see it clearly. It was a man who had an innocent face and I was seeing this man for the first time. He flashed a smile and goodness that was cute.

"I'm sorry you are surprised .... By your reaction suga hyung did not tell you why you are here I assume" he spoke

"Su- Suga?? You mean the shadow right?"
I surveyed which he just chuckled and gracious that was even more cute. He again spoke

"Yes. The shadow, all thanks to him you are safe and sound.." I just furrowed my brows, and he clicked his tongue and narrowed his eyes

"Well to tell you the occasion, you are here to marry me"

"WHAT? "

I yelled a bit "MARRY YOU??" I continued.

He just plastered a smile on his face and cared to brief a little what was actually happening.

His Shadow Her Moon. | A MinYoongi FanFiction | Completed | Where stories live. Discover now